your opinion

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It looks nice and professional. I recieve emails from door hanger companies all the time. My fear is that many people feel the way iwire does.

I would be interested in how well it works for you.
I tried those 6 years ago . Lots of effort with very little return. I must've hung 1000 or them and never got 1 call from them. Save your money.

you would be better off getting the public record listings of real estate sales in your area and mailing postcards to these houses that just sold.

Better to do something than nothing though.
My opinion?

Stay out of my yard and don't hang junk on my door.

I saw a sign hanging on a fence the other day that said "There is nothing in here that's worth your life" and there was a skull and bones on the sign. Was that your house Bob??:D
I think its a good idea. Keep your name out there, you may not get any calls directly but it keeps your name fresh in their minds. When they do need an electrician and look in the yellow pages your name sounds familiar, makes the mental association that your an established business. People don't like to hire someone they've never heard of.

The more ways you get your name out there, the better.

Of course word of mouth may be the best but it takes time.
Looks good.

One thing that always bothers me is the incandescant light bulb.

This is 2010, get with the times man!!:D
I would look at the 240 Dryer area of the proof and maybe add a "V" or spell out volt.

I use the direct mail that CopperTone mentioned and currently I'm getting about 2 to 3% hit. I mail out about 150 to 200 pieces a week.
Last year I sent out 1200 post cards showing a beautiful home landscape lighting job we did an never got one call from it, so then I decided to send out to customers billed for jobs - a flier I typed up regarding Deck and Landscape lighting an believe it or not I have had 3 calls an sold one an one on hold.

I think door hangers will get tossed in the trash same as post cards but a flier sent out with a bill is very inexpensive an also could end up in the trash.
If you're going to use this...

If you're going to use this...

1.) You could try using letters in your phone # to spell out something electrically related, clever, & memorable. Furnish this in addition to, and not instead of, your phone number (For example, where I used to live in northern NJ, my home phone # could be spelled out as 'pigslap'. People never forgot my number).

2.) Have a business card made up that has a thin magnetic backing, send these out with fliers (or re-engineer your doorhangers to include one that can be torn off from the bottom of the doorhanger on the dotted line) with instructions to place the card on the door of their circuit breaker panel, so it'll be handy when its needed.

Good luck.
my honest opinion - if you arent willing to come to my door and talk to me, its not worth your time. I absolutely hate when people leave crap on my porch, or door.

I saw a sign hanging on a fence the other day that said "There is nothing in here that's worth your life" and there was a skull and bones on the sign. Was that your house Bob??:D

No skull and cross bones, no visible weapons. :grin:

But the Jehovah's Witnesses work my street fairly often yet they have only rang my bell once. They rang my bell at about 8 AM on a Saturday. We had a few words and they have not been back ... of course I think they asked their savior to save a special place for me. :grin:

Back to the OP, personally I just throw out all direct marketing junk no matter how pretty it might look.

nafis what do you do when you get junk mail, door hangers, stuff under the windshield wiper etc.?
OK, I?ll be picky. You have a grammar error, specifically a ?parallel construction? error. You show a list of stuff, most of which shows up on the list in the form of a noun (e.g., light fixture, ceiling fan). Three show up as actions, with the verb at the end (TV installation, Panel upgrade, Code Violation Corrections). Two show up as actions, with the verb at the beginning (Add/Replace Smoke Detectors, Install Tamper Resistant Receptacles). I would pick a style, and use it throughout.

You also have a capitalization error. The word ?and? should not be capitalized.

Oh, and let me add that I get annoyed when these sorts of things show up on my doorknob.


It actually says "Tamper Resident Recetacles". Typo I'm sure. We put these on every house in the immediate vicinity of a job as well as a yard sign on site. The customer gets a discount coupon for acting as a reference for the neighbors if we close a sale from that marketing campaign. Some towns don't allow yard signs though so check first (the fine cost us more than the hang tags). And if people want to throw them out let them. Just hope they call you first. Win some, lose some, all advertising is an educated gamble. Have your guys hang them on the doors at lunch or while one of them is doing the paperwork. Looks like a nice design though. Hope you get a thousand jobs out of it!;)
I get a lot of door hanger and flyers on my front steps and like some of the others I don't even look at them and just toss them in the recycle can. When I need something I'll call.

On the other hand you should do everything you can to drum up business. I would say this, while it's a really nice looking hanger, I don't think that it's necessary for you to list the items you do. You're an electrician and if I call you I expect you do be able to do these things. You list 220 for dryers, but not 110 for washers, get my point?

Is there something that you do real well? Cut in can lights so that no one even knows you were there, fix most service calls within the first hour. Sell your strong suits.

I have a better one Bob. I used to do a Christmas light display that was known around the city. One year I was putting them up and the JW's came by and wanted to talk. Does it look like I'm going to stop celebrating Christmas?:roll:
Not my door please. In my village you need a peddler's license and it is a $50 or $100 fine for each offense if you solicit without a license.

I vote for a magnetic business card. Mail them to new homeowners and small businesses. Most will get tossed.

Put one on the panelboard of every job you work on.

You might also want to consider putting them into the coupon mailers. Most of those get tossed too, but there is a reason businesses keep spending money on them.

I would suggest nothing too fancy looking or too cute.

You can get them made up for under ten cents each. Why not try getting 5000 done and see what happens.

Don't expect miracles though. It's not like you will get so much new business you can't handle it. You might get a few hundred bucks a month though.
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