your opinion

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I want to thank all of for your input and truly appreciate your critical thinking.
I am not sure if I am going to distribute the door hanger yet. I am designing a post card as well. And I promise I wouldn?t step in anybody?s yard but I WIRE?s.

Thank you again

For me hangers and postcards go in the trash. BUT.... I do believe there is value in them. The more often people see your name the better chance they will think of you when they need your services.
Larry, what is your opinion about what I was mentioning re: "Master Electrician" in advertising? It just seems unethical, if not illegal to pull a "bait-&-switch" by advertising Master, even if the technician going to the house is a journeyman or experienced helper?:-?
I can give you my opinion, but I don't know the legalities of it.

Yes, if I saw that in an ad, I'd expect the person who comes to me to be a master, but I would ask if it was that important to me.
My opinion?

Stay out of my yard and don't hang junk on my door.
Well, better than calling on the phone or knocking and sales pitching. At least this is not an invasion of privacy.

I think those work better for such things as pizza delivery. I once worked for a pizza place that put out thousands of them around paydays and welfare check days.
I doubt most people really care whether the guy sent to actually do the work has a license or union card or whatever it is that makes someone a master electrician. They just want their problem fixed.

However, there are always a few people who look for things to whine about that cause far more grief than they are worth who might make an issue of it and it could come back to be a PITA.

If the owner of the business is the master electrician and you want to put on the card that the owner is a master electrician, I doubt anyone would object to that.

I would point out though that most people associate the terms master, journeyman, etc. with unions. That may give you an edge with some of the population, but has potential to be seen as a negative by others. My suggestion would be to avoid a term that might be viewed negatively by a substantial part of the population.

Licensed, insured, bonded are all positive terms that should be prominent in your ad.
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