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Come to Florida, I will show you some pictures. I see no code violations and really you are just blowing your own horn. Lets see your after pictures. We want to your work. Remember what causes fires, connection, overloading etc, not perfect picture work. PV

I'd say you better look again. There certainly are code violations in those pictures. ;)
I'd say you better look again. There certainly are code violations in those pictures. ;)

Agree ! :)

Cable within 1.25 in. of stud edge, when right at the KO on the carlon box, is tough to fix.
Cable needs to be rolled quickly away from the back corner of the Carlon box, to get clear of the stud.
It is within manufacturer's specs, but, it is a technical violation.

Cable not secured to the stud can be caught by all the workmen following this rough.

Cables bent with "radius" less than 5 times the greatest dimension of the cable is a technical violation.
At least there are no 'kinks' in the cable
( I've repaired that stuff before; even seen 'kinks' pulled through the stud, shearing off yellow insulation !!! ).

Cables bent/folded directly to the back of the 20 cu in. Carlon box in a 2x4 wall places them dead against the drywall and subject to damage. Fire-loop really could be neatly folded around the outer side of the Carlon box. Technical violation.

Cables double/triple secured under staples designed for a single cable
is a technical violation.

At least he marked one of the cables with little red ticks. That's good.
He is stapling within 8" of the non-clamping Carlon box. That's good.
Somebody taught him wrong, that's probably the base problem.

Just My Opinion. :)
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