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If you sign off and sign back on you don't lose all the posts.

No, but I never actually 'log out' I have it set to remember me.

Normally my old bookmark did take me to todays post but that is not there so....I get no new messages.

I will see if I can hook you up with a link but you have enter it manually into your book marks, using the 'book mark this page' will not work,

Thanks Chris-- I guess that is the backdoor method..

Must not make wise comment. ;)
Smart those link don't help-- they take me back to a page that makes me click new posts and nothing is there if I looked at the post. They never disappeared in the previous forum. If I read them the thread title would lose the bold but still be visible. Now it disappears.
I'm having a hard time understanding what you are saying is happening. Can you do some screen captures in progression?

Also, if my link takes you to say today's posts, with all showing bold and "go to new post" buttons, SHIFT click on the go-to button to open the thread in a new window (or tab, depending on your browser settings... you can also right-click to choose the other from the local menu). Do not change the "threads" page(s) until you want it updated... and do a page refresh for that... don't try to get there clicking buttons or links.
Okay Bob has sent me a link that I posted in a Bookmark on the Bookmark bar and that appears to work.

Smart, I was saying in the old forum when I hit the new post button all the threads would appear. If I read one then the title would not be boldface anymore which meant I had read it. If I hit the new post button a second time then the threads would still be there just not highlighted. Now if I read a thread and then hit new posts, the thread I read disappears.
All links to post listing are now under the 'Quick Links' menu. I can customize that to contain or show anything you guys need. I added a few common and requested posts listing links already.
When I hit Reply I only get the Quick Reply.
Is this the way it is, or to get to the message entry that allows the formating and smiles do I alwaws have to click advanced?

Also the spell checker on Google toolbar doesnt seem to work.
When you click on the spell check button all of the text in the reply box dissapears.
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All links to post listing are now under the 'Quick Links' menu. I can customize that to contain or show anything you guys need. I added a few common and requested posts listing links already.
Thank you that helps alot but why does the quick links button disappear when I go to todays posts?
When I hit Reply I only get the Quick Reply.
Is this the way it is, or to get to the message entry that allows the formating and smiles do I alwaws have to click advanced?

Also the spell checker on Google toolbar doesnt seem to work.
When you click on the spell check button all of the text in the reply box dissapears.

The quick reply feature is now off and we'll see how that goes.
When I hit Reply I only get the Quick Reply.
Is this the way it is, or to get to the message entry that allows the formating and smiles do I alwaws have to click advanced?

Also the spell checker on Google toolbar doesnt seem to work.
When you click on the spell check button all of the text in the reply box dissapears.

I can't do anything about the google toolbar spell checker. Check to see if it's been updated but I really recommend getting iespell if you use internet explorer.
When I hit Reply I only get the Quick Reply.
Is this the way it is, or to get to the message entry that allows the formating and smiles do I alwaws have to click advanced?

Also the spell checker on Google toolbar doesnt seem to work.
When you click on the spell check button all of the text in the reply box dissapears.

When you post look in the top right you see A/A. If you click on it it changes editor mode then you can use spell check from the tool bar. You have 3 spelling errors not including you screen name:)
When you post look in the top right you see A/A. If you click on it it changes editor mode then you can use spell check from the tool bar. You have 3 spelling errors not including you screen name:)

Or that :)
It seems as though the "Who's Online" option is missing in the "Quick Links" now.

Correct. If you need that info you can get to it from Currently Active Users in the lower left of the forum.
That's ok but it does not let members see what others may be reading or replying to, can the option be reactivated?


Yes, this seems to be working but I dislike the format. I find it hard to read and it lacks the clarity of the old format. I'm sure that I will get used to it at some point.
That's ok but it does not let members see what others may be reading or replying to, can the option be reactivated?



Click on linked portion of "There are currently 296 users online" portion to get the same Who's Online list.

Also, below each forum and thread there is a list of people currently viewing it.
Forum time off by 1 hour?

Forum time off by 1 hour?

I'm looking into why it does not always correct for DST.

If you are having this problem set 'DST Corrections Always Off' under your Settings/General Settings/Date & Time Options for the time being.

Also be sure your time zone is set correctly while you're there.

Link to your settings...
Click on linked portion of "There are currently 296 users online" portion to get the same Who's Online list.

Also, below each forum and thread there is a list of people currently viewing it.

Thank you.

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