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Ih like it - and we promise not to hack intentionally [grin]

edit: I thought I was replying with quote to the webmaster?!
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Sorry for the drastic and sudden change guys but it was necessary due to the old forum constantly being hacked.

I thought this was probably a hacker fix, geezzzzzz. Capital punisment to hackers is good with me.
FWIW, it's just a little to bright, could you make the blues darker and lessen the white?
Definitely. The added graphical features don't make it more readable or more useable, just "prettier". And that, IMNSHO, is not the point of a comminucations medium. The "style" is more suited to facebook or the like.
And I don't trust pretty women, either. :D
I wound up having to disable the DST function to get the correct forum time, auto detect DST, and DST always on, set the forum time to one hour ahead even though the correct time zone is selected (US central time).:cool:
It doesn't seem to like Safari much. I had to switch over to Firefox to be able to read anything at all. Other than that, we have been down this path what? three times at least I think. All will be ok kids and soon we won't remember what the other one looked like anymore....
I've been through far too many forum changes, with sundry discussion groups. Far too often, the new arrangement requires a month of playing with it to find your way around, and all the fun is lost.

That's not the case with this one ... I find it just as friendly as the last, but without that verdamnt sales pitch. I mean, "the voice" may be the siren of the seminar circuit - but my cat jumps up on her hind legs and runs around with her paws in her ears!

I like the clean look of this format.
I agree that there are many features that are nice with this new setup but it will take some getting use to. I don't like that I cannot see yesterdays posts- I only see a handful right now. The old forum I could view it for a few days. I selected that feature in settings but it still is only showing todays. Oh yeah the forum was done again today-- I hope it wasn't hacked again.....
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