Meyers hubs?

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Senior Member
brick nj
Hi my question is it OK to use just a Weather Tight EMT connecter to enter the top of an outdoor trauf or should i use a meyers hub also? Sometimes i over think things. just wanted to make sure.

Feel The Power Electric LLC
The fact that they are listed as raintight as they are means you should not need anything that does not come with it. Some of them have some crappy washers so be careful or you will have one that does not seal.

As for myers hubs - if you want to be technical they should only be used with tapered threads like that of RMC or IMC. The straight threads on EMT fittings supposably will not seal. I personally feel they seal better than some of the crap washers that come with some fittings but that is just my opinion.
I would enter the trough with a listed for wet location EMT connector and forget the hub. Mark Ode of UL says that the EMT connector in the Myer's hub is not code complaint since the hub is designed for threaded raceways only.


I would enter the trough with a listed for wet location EMT connector and forget the hub. Mark Ode of UL says that the EMT connector in the Myer's hub is not code complaint since the hub is designed for threaded raceways only.

I know I got as far as trying to thread it in and did not go all the way. I went ahead without the meyers hubs but figured I would check before I pulled the wires This is for a solar system so I am constantly trying to make a lasting install.( 30 years plus ). so my brain goes in different directions.

Thanks for the input.
I know I got as far as trying to thread it in and did not go all the way. I went ahead without the meyers hubs but figured I would check before I pulled the wires This is for a solar system so I am constantly trying to make a lasting install.( 30 years plus ). so my brain goes in different directions.

Thanks for the input.

I wouldn't use the myers hub either, but I have also seen emt start to rust out in a couple of years.
I installed RT EMT connectors without a Meyers hub on a job and was back (for another reason) to see the install after a year. I noticed the rubber washer was cracking and beginning to show signs of deterioration. It has made me wonder if using a hub would be better even though it is for threaded raceways.
Duct Seal to the rescue

Duct Seal to the rescue

I installed RT EMT connectors without a Meyers hub on a job and was back (for another reason) to see the install after a year. I noticed the rubber washer was cracking and beginning to show signs of deterioration. It has made me wonder if using a hub would be better even though it is for threaded raceways.

It would be better but I knew something was up when it threaded in halfway. I will solar seal the crap out of it and throw on some duct seal for good measure. (it will look like doody all over.)
I wonder whether or not a myers hub is listed for emt? Hubs according to the UL white book are only listed for GRC or IMC conduit.

Grounding and Bonding Hubs ? Grounding and bonding hubs are
Listed hubs (see DWTT) provided with a Listed grounding or bonding locknut.
They serve in a manner similar to grounding and bonding bushings
except they are only for use with threaded rigid metal and intermediate
metal conduit. Grounding hubs provide the electrical continuity required by
NEC 250.92 at service equipment and the electrical continuity required by
NEC 250.97 for circuits rated over 250 V.

I still don't know why.
It would be better but I knew something was up when it threaded in halfway. I will solar seal the crap out of it and throw on some duct seal for good measure. (it will look like doody all over.)

I'm willing to bet it was sealed better than a EMT fitting only with the crappy rubber washer will seal.

It only thread part way in because the hub is tapered and the fitting is straight. Once the fitting hit the part that is same diameter it started to turn tighter.

You will likely have more water inside from condensation than you will ever have because the fitting was actually leaking.
I wonder whether or not a myers hub is listed for emt? Hubs according to the UL white book are only listed for GRC or IMC conduit.

I still don't know why.

Yes, I posted an article that Mark Ode (from UL) had written some months ago and if it were enforced as he had written it 90% of all services around here would be in violation. That would include PVC terminal adapters, EMT connectors and SE cable connectors into a hub.
I personally thing raintight EMT fittings are useless. If you try to tighten the connector more that finger tight the rubber washer jumps over the fittings shoulder or bulges out the side providing zero seal. The additional internal rings may help seal the fitting to the EMT better but I would guess a standard fitting seals as good or better to the enclosure.
Yes, I posted an article that Mark Ode (from UL) had written some months ago and if it were enforced as he had written it 90% of all services around here would be in violation. That would include PVC terminal adapters, EMT connectors and SE cable connectors into a hub.

If you mean the hub we use on top of a meter base is'nt that different from a Meyers Hub???

If you mean the hub we use on top of a meter base is'nt that different from a Meyers Hub???


Most of them are tapered just like a Meyers hub. Ever have an EMT fitting that doesn't want to thread all the way in even though there is more depth to the hub? It is because it has reached the point where the taper is same size as fitting being threaded in.
I was frankly thinking how outdoor new can's come with the raised cover.
Seems it'd be tacking as an install though...

What it is, is #67 Grey, install, primier, and paint some rigid... :cool:
I am sure the T&B manufacturers are not aware of the issue with hubs. I have seen some EC&M magazine ads that were also non compliant.

If you read page 2, you will see the following information about the T&B fittings.

Materials, Specifications
Material: Steel Body, Steel Locknut
Plating: Zinc Plated, Clear Chromate Coating
Liner: Nylon (for insulated fittings)
Threads: Male hub threads NPS
Use: Raintight, wet locations, concretetight
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