Need some questions answered

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Hello People , spent some time on the NEC Code book and I can seem to find some answers to this questions (they were on my exam and i didn't have the answers right)

1. A portable cord connected to a electrical dril shall have what protection on it ?
a. minimum 12 awg wire
b. GFCI device on it

2.Conductors with one "H" marking on them have a maximum temp rating of what ?
a.60 C
b.75 C
c.90 C
d. 150c

3.if the service equipment is 10ft what is the minimum height required for working space?
a. 13ft (2 X 6,1/2)
c. 10
d. 3

4. conductors of a different systems are allowed in the same raceways except ?
a. photovoltaic
b. 50 volt or bellow

Welcome to the forum.:)

Try to give use the answer that you have for each question and then we will help you find the correct answer.

Thanks for the welcome , those are the only answers that i can remember , but I'm sure that someone can just answer the questions even without answers , it is as it was on the exam
I will mention that I don't think the answer to #2 can be found in the code book, and that question #3 should have clarified what is meant by the switchboard being 10 feet. Is that a width, a height, or a distance from the wall?
. . . those are the only answers that i can remember. . . .
I believe Chris was asking you to tell us what you think the correct answers are, and perhaps why you think those are the correct answers. Or at least, tell us where you have looked in the code book, or what you have tried to do to find the correct answers yourself.

To that, I will add my own welcome to the forum.
I believe Chris was asking you to tell us what you think the correct answers are, and perhaps why you think those are the correct answers. Or at least, tell us where you have looked in the code book, or what you have tried to do to find the correct answers yourself.

To that, I will add my own welcome to the forum.

Yes, that is what I meant.:)

i believe that the answers are as follow but i would love some corrections on these :

1.a. minimum 12 awg wire
2.b. 75 C
3. a. 13ft
4. a. photovoltaic

anything missing ?>
i believe that the answers are as follow but i would love some corrections on these :

1.a. minimum 12 awg wire
2.b. 75 C
3. a. 13ft
4. a. photovoltaic

anything missing ?>
Yes, your reasons for choosing. The following would be my choices...

1. [a] GFCI device... why?
2. 75? is the best choice... why?
3. [c] 10ft... why?
4. [a] photovoltaic... why?
Can someone Please just post the answers and explain please ??? I wouldnot have asked if I didn't need help

If we hand you the answers is that really helping you?

That is not how it works here, we will be glad to help you and aim you in the right direction but we don't just answer a list of questions.
As the discussion progresses you will probably find the answers. As worded, those answers are not necessarily crystal clear.
Understand that it is somewhat of an unwritten policy here not to simply answer test type question directly as it is important to know how to find the answers and not just know the answers. That is why we normally ask your thought process.
Honestly, I have not yet found direct links to positively answer your questions from the NEC, at least directly.
I will comment that looking at the wire tables in Art 310, for the most part, insulation with an "H" are rated 75? and, as charlie b stated, the 10f t need clarification in #3, but I would suggest you look at 110.26.
I?ll give you #2, because I don?t think the NEC has the answer.

The type of wire I most frequently call for is THHN. The ?T? stands for ?thermoplastic insulation.? The ?N? stands for ?nylon jacket.? Each of the ?H? letters means an extra level of heat that the insulation can handle. The basic rating is 60C. One ?H? adds 15C to the rating, and therefore means a 75C rating. The second ?H? adds another 15C to the rating, and therefore means a 90C rating. Thus, THHN wire has an insulation system that is rated for 90C.

Your turn. Look at 110.26, as Gus suggested, and tell us your answer to #3. Then look in the index for photovoltaic, and see if that leads you to an answer to #4. Regarding #1, how can you think that #12 wire would be the answer to a question that is asking about protection methods?

lets see if i'm on the bal today. if not, someone will let us know. #1 is b gfci protected. heres why, jey words portable extension cord and electric drill, for personnel protection all portable tools ,uste be gfci protected, not usre about your testm, but thats where i'd go. #2, would be c, 90 c max from table 310-13 conductor properties, it has to do with the rating of the exterior insulation on the conductor, look down thru 310-13 you'll see all the thw,thwn has 90c max rating, #3 id go with 10 feet from 110-26 (A)(3) working space. #4 i'm still looking. hope it5 helps if i'm wrong we will all get educated
Knowing the complete original question as well as all the possible answers would sure help on just about all of them.

There are contradictions in all of them as posted.
lets see if i'm on the bal today. if not, someone will let us know. #1 is b gfci protected. heres why, jey words portable extension cord and electric drill, for personnel protection all portable tools ,uste be gfci protected, not usre about your testm, but thats where i'd go. #2, would be c, 90 c max from table 310-13 conductor properties, it has to do with the rating of the exterior insulation on the conductor, look down thru 310-13 you'll see all the thw,thwn has 90c max rating, #3 id go with 10 feet from 110-26 (A)(3) working space. #4 i'm still looking. hope it5 helps if i'm wrong we will all get educated

I think you will get your "education" you mentioned concerning question #2. I believe it was Charlie who correctly answered that. Only 1 "H" as the question stated, would be 75 deg. Two (2) "Hs" would mean 90 deg. I believe also, if there is a "W" at the end of an "HH" that is for wet locations and that takes it back down to 75 deg. This is if it is not dual rated, such as "THWN-2"
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