230V Nameplate motor, Running at 455V and 100Hz via VFD

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Per NEMA MG1 Part 31, definite-purpose, inverter-fed motors are designed to withstand maximum repetitive voltage peaks at the motor terminals equal to 3.1 times the motor?s rated rms voltage with a rise time not less than 0.1 ms. These motors can be used on a control without additional filters or reactors provided the particular combination of control and cable does not generate overshoots which exceed this requirement at the motor terminals.

Brilliant! You nailed it in one.

Precisely the reasons I gave in post #9.
peak voltages and the extreme values of dv/dt resulting from IGBT switching

Perhaps you should be more open to learn from those of us who have been there and done that rather that argue every point from your perspective of not having been there and done that.
It's an opportunity. Grab it with both hands.
Brilliant! You nailed it in one.

Precisely the reasons I gave in post #9.

Perhaps you should be more open to learn from those of us who have been there and done that rather that argue every point from your perspective of not having been there and done that.
It's an opportunity. Grab it with both hands.

You did not integrate whatever you posted here either with that of the OP or with mine,See how you started your first post here

I don't agree............
You did not integrate whatever you posted here either with that of the OP or with mine,See how you started your first post here
Quite right. I don't and didn't agree.
I gave you my reasons for that.
It completely ignores the main reason for the higher voltage insulation in the first place.
You have quoted NEMA MG1 Part 31 which exactly corroborates the reasons I gave.
The reason for the higher for the higher insulation voltage.
Anyway, you obviously now agree with me since the information you posted agrees with mine.
Quite right. I don't and didn't agree.
I gave you my reasons for that.

You have quoted NEMA MG1 Part 31 which exactly corroborates the reasons I gave.
The reason for the higher for the higher insulation voltage.
Anyway, you obviously now agree with me since the information you posted agrees with mine.

Please keep in mind that the insulation of an inverter duty motor of NEMA specifications is designed to withstand peak voltage of 3.1 times its rated line to line voltage with a rise time not less than 0.1 ms only and not on the basis of severest standing wave voltage that may likely to arise due to long lead wires.
Please keep in mind that the insulation of an inverter duty motor of NEMA specifications is designed to withstand peak voltage of 3.1 times its rated line to line voltage with a rise time not less than 0.1 ms only and not on the basis of severest standing wave voltage that may likely to arise due to long lead wires.

Since you kept repeating that "3.1 times", how do you think the code-making panel of NEMA came up with that figure? Impress me, please.
Since you kept repeating that "3.1 times", how do you think the code-making panel of NEMA came up with that figure? Impress me, please.

It has got to do with partial discharges in air........
Please keep in mind that the insulation of an inverter duty motor of NEMA specifications is designed to withstand peak voltage of 3.1 times its rated line to line voltage with a rise time not less than 0.1 ms
Please keep in mind that you are dealing with people who deal with inverters in their day job.
Something it is evident that you have no direct experience of whatsoever.
I don't mean that unkindly, but bear it in mind when you are posting here.You might make fewer gaffes.

You are being given opportunities to learn from those of us who do have direct hands on experience.
For example, the waveforms I posted were captured by me personally.

only and not on the basis of severest standing wave voltage that may likely to arise due to long lead wires.
That's not what the waveforms I gave show. They are repeated* voltage overshoots to use the wording in your NEMA article. These waveforms are not worst case.
Nor are they for long conductors. I already told you that in post #14.

Going back to the NEMA 3.1voltage insulation level. If the original motor is built just to that requirement the insulation withstand requirement would be, as you stated in post #8, 713V.
Good enough for a motor being run at 455V from an inverter? I don't think so. Look at post #12. A repetitive peak of nearly 900V from a 400V inverter. Not good if the insulation is rated at just 713V
This is a fairly typical case and certainly by no means the worst I have seen.
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You know the answer?Please reveal it.

If you want to get an understanding of the subject, might I suggest that you try to get a copy of this publication:


It is just 16 pages and written in a manner that makes it readily comprehensible to those not experienced in this field so you should find it quite suitable material.
Please keep in mind that you are dealing with people who deal with inverters in their day job.
Something it is evident that you have no direct experience of whatsoever.
I don't mean that unkindly, but bear it in mind when you are posting here.You might make fewer gaffes.

You are being given opportunities to learn from those of us who do have direct hands on experience.
For example, the waveforms I posted were captured by me personally.

That's not what the waveforms I gave show. They are repeated* voltage overshoots to use the wording in your NEMA article. These waveforms are not worst case.
Nor are they for long conductors. I already told you that in post #14.

Going back to the NEMA 3.1voltage insulation level. If the original motor is built just to that requirement the insulation withstand requirement would be, as you stated in post #8, 713V.
Good enough for a motor being run at 455V from an inverter? I don't think so. Look at post #12. A repetitive peak of nearly 900V from a 400V inverter.
Now look at post #12. This is fairly typical and certainly by no means the worst I have seen.

Yep, it seems he's just reading things. I can't agree with you more here.

It's not being rude to be imparting knowledge to others in the trade, I guess. Since he failed in his first "guess", I'll just give the correct reasons why "3.1" factor came into that NEMA MG-1 specs.

The idea behind that stipulation (3.1 times) is that term highlighted above by @besoeker: "overshoot voltage".

The maximum overshoot voltage is that voltage that can possibly occur on the motor line/ motor terminals due to fast-triggering IGBT switches employed in 3rd generation VFDs. See it like this:

The maximum input voltage will be 110% (allowed line voltage fluctuations) Vmax.

Or, we take it as Vmax = 1.1 X Vac.

The maximum DC Bus voltage in the rectifier portion of a VFD will then be = Vmax X SQRT(2) = (Vac X 1.1) X SQRT(2).

VDCbus = 1.1 X 1.414 X Vac = 1.55 Vac

With motor leads of a certain length, there is an increase in line capacitance (capacitance being a function of frequency) such that if a voltage spike is impressed, the capacitance charges up and later discharges when the polarity of the wave reverses. However, due to the fast frequency of switching, the line cannot possibly discharge what charge it has on a specific period and voltage will pile up. As the voltage repeatedly spikes, the maximum overshoot voltage could be twice that of the maximum DC bus voltage available from the DC link of the VFD. Hence:

Maximum overshoot voltage = 1.55 Vac X 2 = 3.11 X Vac!
Vac, being the input voltage!

Take note that the 0.1 ms wave front is basically the speed at which most 3rd generation IGBT's run. Older types like the SCRs have switching speeds of around 100ms. Didn't you ever wonder why the older types of VFDs do not have problems with dv/dt? That simply is the reason.

With regards to the OP, it is safe to say that 230V motors can be operated at higher than rated voltages because of the existing motor standards manufacturers have agreed upon.

You see, you just have to listen and ask from others. And you get better education here. This is one of the things we do, day-in, day-out and we don't earn if we make mistakes in our jobs.
Going back to the NEMA 3.1voltage insulation level. If the original motor is built just to that requirement the insulation withstand requirement would be, as you stated in post #8, 713V.
Good enough for a motor being run at 455V from an inverter? I don't think so. Look at post #12. A repetitive peak of nearly 900V from a 400V inverter. Not good if the insulation is rated at just 713V

I once again request you to make your posts harmonious with other relevant posts.For example you may state which part in my post you agree,how additional information may be provided to make it more useful to the OP etc.,

In this present post you could have done like below:

Going back to the NEMA 3.1voltage insulation level. If the original motor is built just to that requirement the insulation withstand requirement would be, as you stated in post #8, 713V.
Good enough for a motor being run at 455V from an inverter? I don't think so. Look at post #12. A repetitivepeak of nearly 900V from a 400V inverter. Not good if the insulation is rated at just 713V and so it would be necessary to provide suitable filters,reducing length of lead in cables etc so that the voltage level and rise time at the motor terminals is within NEMA specifications.
I once again request you to make your posts harmonious with other relevant posts.For example you may state which part in my post you agree,how additional information may be provided to make it more useful to the OP etc.,

The irony here is so deep I need boots.

TM, why is it every thread you get involved with goes away from the OPs question and turns into a pissing contest?

I am asking you nicely to try to stop derailing threads with your own agenda. If you can't do it on your own I am sure we mods can help.
The irony here is so deep I need boots.

TM, why is it every thread you get involved with goes away from the OPs question and turns into a pissing contest?

I am asking you nicely to try to stop derailing threads with your own agenda. If you can't do it on your own I am sure we mods can help.

You are advising the wrong person as usual,I am sure.
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Take note that the 0.1 ms wave front is basically the speed at which most 3rd generation IGBT's run.
I did wonder about this given that 0.1ms is 100us. The switching times for IGBTs are typically given as a few hundred ns. Certainly under 1us.
And we used to use fast SCRs for inverters (yes, I'm that old) which has turn off times in the tens of us.

It made me wonder if the term ms was being used to mean microsecond. But that would infer a dv/dt of in excess of 6000V/us which is much higher than the limits of say, IEC TS60034-17.
Look at post #12. A repetitive peak of nearly 900V from a 400V inverter. Not good if the insulation is rated at just 713V and so it would be necessary to provide suitable filters,reducing length of lead in cables etc so that the voltage level and rise time at the motor terminals is within NEMA specifications.
So you, with no experience in this field, want to tell me what to write and how to fix a problem?

It would be nice if it was a practical fix. But it isn't. The likely supply voltage for 455V operation is 460V. Rectify and smooth it, add 10% for supply voltage tolerance and.....you get 716V. And that's with absolutely no overshoot whatsoever. No overshoot?

I'm with topgone. If you don't know something, rather than pretend or imagine that you do - ask. Motor control clearly isn't your area of expertise. But there are are plenty of knowledgeable members here who will impart sound information - and do so willingly. Just ask.

And I think the moderators will take that as being constructive and look on it a good deal more kindly that your propensity to argue with and denigrate the knowledge given by others.
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It would be nice if it was a practical fix. But it isn't. The likely supply voltage for 455V operation is 460V. Rectify and smooth it, add 10% for supply voltage tolerance and.....you get 716V. And that's with absolutely no overshoot whatsoever. Do you see why it isn't practical?
Do you say NEMA recommendation wrong?
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