Which Codes for a House started in 2008?

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New member
Boring Oregon
Please forgive me as this is not a single question.

My Wife and I have 10 acres in Oregon and I'm building a 2400 sq ft Home on property... and I mean me, myself and I. We are paying cash as we build so we'll have no debt. Personal tragedies, deaths, ect has delayed us but should have it completed by early summer. We started in the summer of 2008 and electrical is our last inspection before cover. One problem is the Electrical Inspector has changed so I've already had to make some modifications. I'm calling for an inspection this Wednesday, January 22, 2014.

My question is, which codes are relevant to the new construction? Can I use codes from our start date in 2008? or? Or am I now subject to 2011? Heaven help me if 2014, LOL All Circuits are 20a and 12/2, no 14/2 15a circuits in the place. I'm using in panel GFCI for Kitchen (which I had to split), Bathrooms, Washing Machine (single circuit), Garbage Disposal, Garage and Outdoor Areas. AFCI for electronics and bedrooms.

Reason, there are some codes I just don't agree with... like separating the lights and fan in bathrooms. I'm hoping to use 2008 because the sconces are within 3' from the sink. I read here about the 210.11(C)(3), 210.11(C)(3) excepting, 210.23(A) and round and round we go, LOL.

Since the Guest Bathrooms are back to back, can I use one circuit? The smaller bath only has one receptacle and the other has two. I REALLY don't want to have to redo a panel run.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I can tell you that the code to be enforced should be the one that was law when the permit was taken out, however

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