Din Rail, best place to buy?

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Where are you getting your din rail supplies? I'm trying to avoid paying shipping costs. Are there brick and mortar shops where I can find supplies?
Where are you getting your din rail supplies? I'm trying to avoid paying shipping costs. Are there brick and mortar shops where I can find supplies?
Not around me, good luck finding anything in brick and mortar anymore. Getting all mine via internet, some are giving no shipping if order large enough. Brick and mortar will still charge a shipping fee if ordering via them if not a stock item, and don't have any around me that carry din rail supplies as stock items. If a larger area like Miami doesn't stock them in the supply houses you will likely have shipping, or order online if you have a large enough order to get the free shipping.
Thanks Fred
Kinda what I figured. I need end stops, Amazon bag of 25 is $25 after shipping fees. Only $1 each.
There are about half a dozen DIN rail manufacturers in China.
We get all of ours from a local supply house. We get a delivery from them everyday typically for whatever we can get. We have not had much trouble getting rail and accessories. Ymmv.
Where are you getting your din rail supplies? I'm trying to avoid paying shipping costs. Are there brick and mortar shops where I can find supplies?
Real brick and mortar would likely be close by if you were to use them.

AD as mentioned has free shipping if over $49 order. It don't take much anymore to get to that level and surprised they haven't raised it.
After a price comparison I generally choose E bay vendors with fee shipping
and usually recieveve it in 1 week
very efficient website
Our panels are large enough that the 3ft (1m) lengths of DIN rail that AD sells often aren't long enough, though we order wire duct and LOTS of other components from AD all the time. We usually order our DIN rail and terminal blocks from Allied Electronics. Can't go wrong with Phoenix Contact.
Our panels are large enough that the 3ft (1m) lengths of DIN rail that AD sells often aren't long enough, though we order wire duct and LOTS of other components from AD all the time. We usually order our DIN rail and terminal blocks from Allied Electronics. Can't go wrong with Phoenix Contact.
Well, except for the new fuse holders they supply. 3004142 iirc... T total flimsy junk! Stay away from these at all costs. Literally. Aside from those, I love me some PC.
If it's a common component, try a local electronics hobby shop. I know they are a dying breed, but I think the local place by me had some DIN rail/components when we went looking for some stuff for my son's engineering class.
Well, except for the new fuse holders they supply. 3004142 iirc... T total flimsy junk! Stay away from these at all costs. Literally. Aside from those, I love me some PC.
Which ones, specifically? I use the ATC-style fuse holders all the time. We had a bad batch of terminal blocks that Phoenix Contact traced to a bad batch of plastic resin. The resin had apparently gotten wet, and it made the terminal blocks all "chewy" and "stretchy" when they were injection molded.

Which ones, specifically? I use the ATC-style fuse holders all the time. We had a bad batch of terminal blocks that Phoenix Contact traced to a bad batch of plastic resin. The resin had apparently gotten wet, and it made the terminal blocks all "chewy" and "stretchy" when they were injection molded.

Hmm... that's interesting. That exactly what it seems like is going on with these. I listed the part #. The holders are so soft you have to use the back of a screwdriver to push in the fuse. Is there a link to that resin story or a recall or anything?
Hmm... that's interesting. That exactly what it seems like is going on with these. I listed the part #. The holders are so soft you have to use the back of a screwdriver to push in the fuse. Is there a link to that resin story or a recall or anything?
No recall that I know of. PC said that they determined that we got pretty much the entire batch of bad plastic, based on PO history and ordered part numbers. I'd contact your sales rep and see what they can do. PC was very good at getting to the bottom of the issue and replacing bad product.

If it's a common component, try a local electronics hobby shop. I know they are a dying breed, but I think the local place by me had some DIN rail/components when we went looking for some stuff for my son's engineering class.
Try finding one in Nebraska. Might not even be one in Omaha.

I know Allied Electronics has a rep in Omaha, don't think they really have much of a store or warehouse though, if any at all. Whenever I've ever ordered anything it always comes from a warehouse somewhere in Texas.
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