1/2 inch stinking pipe

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My ship electrician neighbor asked me what size conduit and wires to run about 30 ft UG to his garage. Reply - 1" PVC with 8 AWG, three at that time. Then he calls me down to help him with the comment, how do you get the wire in the conduit? (He hand not backfilled the ditch!) He ran 1/2" PVC with 3 #10 solids. What happened to the 1", I asked. Answer: it was expensive.
We got it in, and I commented that he might as well run UF.
PS Most shipyard electricians don't run raceways- ships are nearly all armored cables.

a few sticks of 1" pvc blew his budget, so he opted for 1/2"? :roll:
Electricians are are a weird group. :D

I will run whatever size and type is appropriate for the job at hand. The company is not paying me to do the next guys work.

I have used 1/2" schedule 80 PVC to protect GECs, works pretty darn good for that.
Electricians are are a weird group. :D

I will run whatever size and type is appropriate for the job at hand. The company is not paying me to do the next guys work.

I have used 1/2" schedule 80 PVC to protect GECs, works pretty darn good for that.

Thats about all that will fit in it! hehe

I run 1/2" GRC all the time for 1 circuit or a MWBC. I run 1/2 pvc if I am going to pull a phone line underground as well.

Electricians are are a weird group. :D

I will run whatever size and type is appropriate for the job at hand. The company is not paying me to do the next guys work.

I have used 1/2" schedule 80 PVC to protect GECs, works pretty darn good for that.

I agree. Unless it's just a short run to a floor box, I run no smaller than 3/4 underground though. A lot of electricians like to run 3/4 everywhere so they can pack it beyond it's limits! Worked with a "Plant Electrician" when I was starting out that had me pull 9 # 12 thw's in a 1/2" run with three 90's. Lot's of fun!
IMO conductors do not pull thru PVC as well as the same size EMT. Just a guess it's a friction thing. I tend to go to the next larger size with PVC unless it creates other issues.

In Chicagoland I would say most resi was or is done in 1/2 EMT. Maybe a 3/4 for a home run, A/C, or stove. Depending on the company doing it. Some EC only want everything in 1/2 to cut costs or reduce different materials used.

It takes experiance to know where your better off up sizing the pipe runs. It does't take many 3 ways to fill a pipe. Or knowing your customer will change their mind before your done.
i use 1/2 pvc for my ground conductor going down to the ground rods :)

other than that, they make good wire nut guns
hate to admit it but we just ran 1/2 in for a ice maker circuit. Of course it was all of 15ft away from the panel and one heat box 90. Still felt wrong grabbing it at the shop before we had seen the job. Worked great though so I guess we use 1/2 in for some things
I saw some Sched. 80 1/2" PVC elbows today in the orange store.

The interior is tiny! What the heck could you pull in there? :confused:
i had the unfortunate experience of pulling in a single circut over 200' in 1/2" pvc underground. i remember pleading with my boss,(at the time), "this needs to be 3/4. i don't care what the print says". but his word was final, and to this day it is etched in my memeory as one of the hardest pulls i've ever been a part of(4 men, 3 hrs).
1/2" has it's place, but not at lenth underground.
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