100 amp sub panel in garage.

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Hello everyone,
I'm installing a 100 amp sub panel in a detached garage. The feed is coming from and 200 amp panel at the main house. The run is 80' long and will have three conduit bodies in it. My question is, would #2 copper be the correct conductor for this project? I'm using the 75 degree table to compensate for the ratings on the breakers. The cable will be THHN.
Thanks for all your help with this matter.

#2 or #3 copper. I would use 3-#3 THHN/THWN conductors with a #8 EGC. You'll need a GES at the separate structure which would typically be 2 ground rods. If you want to use aluminum to save some money then #1 with a #6 Al EGC.
Kenneth, the reason I asked about load calculation is that if you only need say 60A, you *could* run #6 Cu/#4AL to the 100A subpanel (which I'm assuming is being bought partially based on cost and availability) if it were coming from a 60A breaker in the main panel. You could also use #2Cu, which is a bit of overkill at 80' unless for some reason you want voltage drop to be nearly negligible even with an almost fully loaded panel (a nice jacuzzi will pull nearly 50A by itself). I also wondered if this was a test question...
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