105 degree C wire

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most mtw these days is 105 rated.

petersonra beat me to it.

Most common conductors have multiple ratings, and you can probably find conductors rated THHN/THWN/MTW/AWM with a 105C rating. I did a _very_ brief search and found http://www.prolinesafety.com/UserFi...ications/Copper Building Wire/THHN COPPER.pdf

The above link is for wire that has 90C rating when used as THHN and 105C when used as AWM, which _might_ meet what the manufacturer intends and is certainly suitable as building wire.


"600 Volts ? Oxygen Free Copper Conductor ? Dead Soft Annealed ? Thermoplastic Insulation ? Nylon Sheath
Heat, Moisture, Gasoline, and Oil Resistant ? Sizes 8 AWG and Larger Rated THWN-2
All Stranded Sizes Rated MTW and THWN ? Sizes 14 through 6 AWG Rated AWM (105?C)
Sizes 14 through 1 AWG Rated VW-1 ? Sizes 1/0 AWG and Larger Listed for CT
Sizes 2 AWG and Larger Listed Sunlight-Resistant"

I wonder how this is so, as Table 310.13 has MTW rated for 90C.
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