115 VAC 400 Hz motor VFD

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Good afternoon. I am looking at prints for an Evap. Fan circuit (Aircraft). I need to control the speed of this fan. It is powered with 115VAC 400Hz and the fan is rated at 6.0A. Any suggestions as to a VFD that will accomplish this? Thank you very much for your help, have a good day.
Good afternoon. I am looking at prints for an Evap. Fan circuit (Aircraft). I need to control the speed of this fan. It is powered with 115VAC 400Hz and the fan is rated at 6.0A. Any suggestions as to a VFD that will accomplish this? Thank you very much for your help, have a good day.

A fair number of VFDs will go up to 400 Hz, as long as you have 50/60 input power.

As a practical matter, if you plan this to be used in flight, you can't just stick any old VFD on the fan, even if it would work.
This will not be used in flight. It is for a ground trainer just to be able to change the rate of flow from the fan.
This will not be used in flight. It is for a ground trainer just to be able to change the rate of flow from the fan.

I don't know of any VFDs rated for 400 Hz input.

I would call the tech support lines of the various VFD manufacturers and see what they say about it.

It might be something they can tweak the standard firmware for you.
Larry, at this time I do not need one, but thank you for the offer.

Bob, thank you for your advice, I will call around and see what I can come up with. This is a one shot deal, kind of a unique situation.
If it's for testing, can you power it with regular 60Hz shore power? Most VFDs cannot take a 400Hz input.

That said, I have heard anecdotaly that Yaskawa drives have been used on 400Hz input applications. Yaskawa was asked for input and said it would probably work, but would not honor the warranty on the drives. Yaskawa felt that the MOVs and any reactors inside the drive would eventually fail. They did apparently work however, at least temporarily, but I don't know how long they lasted.
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