12 gauge minimum wire size for commercial work.

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what is really the advantage in all solid? i seen alot of the 1950's institutional installs as all solid, they didn't have stranded??
There was a recent solid vs stranded discussion..........solid is a bit cheaper, easier to keep neat in cabinets, and land on devices without clamps. Its potentially Such a bear to pull though. My commercial work is often 3/4 EMT with 3-4 90's and three full boats. You dont want to do that with solid. I pretty much always use stranded but I could see solid in select situations. I just dont like someone sitting at a desk who probably doesnt even have field experience dictating aspects of how to accomplish my job.
Solid pushes better.
Stranded can be pulled by one person in a lot of situations where solid will very likely need someone to push. Some of us one man shows almost exclusively use stranded with that aspect being majority of the reason. If you get it on 2500 foot reels it doesn't tend to try to coil back up and will lay nice and straight if you measuring off pieces ;)
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