Meter Form
Meter Form
With electro-mechanical meters, you would be able to tell what kind of service by looking at the meter nameplate to see what it's designed for. V is rated Voltage, FM is Form (which is the type of service), S means Socket base, CL is the continuous Amp rating. Self-contained (no CT's) are CL200, 320, etc. CT rated are CL20. With solid state meters, most will work for various types of service and electronically "adjust" for what voltage/phase relationships they sense. Problem is, they don't display what kind of service it is. 120-480 on the nameplate means only rated voltage. The same meter would work for 208/120 or 480/277. Throw in PT's for higher voltages and it can get hairy. I won't even go there. I guess after all that useless information is said, without at least doing a voltage check, it's pretty tough to tell, especially on underground where the transformer nameplate is behind a locked cover. I wonder if I'll ever be retired long enough to forget all this stuff!:happysad: