125 amp sub panel

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charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: 125 amp sub panel

More to the point, how did "kg18" pick out a 125 amp panel. By the way, kg, we haven't heard from you for a while. You still out there?


Re: 125 amp sub panel

125 amp panel for a 1 bdrm mother in law is what I was going to go with. I dont see the need for anything else. What table do I use to size the conductors? 310-15 b 6 or 310-16. Thanks

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: 125 amp sub panel

It depends on what comprises the "Mother-in-Law Apartment." It will certainly have accommodations for living, sleeping, and sanitation, but it may or may not have permanent facilities for cooking. So it may or may not meet the definition of "dwelling unit." If it is not a "dwelling unit," then 310.15(B)(6) would not apply.

In any event, I'd go with 310.16. I would also go with #1 copper, so that the conductors can handle every bit of the panel's 125 amp rating.

james wuebker

Senior Member
Re: 125 amp sub panel

charlie b
I agree with what you wrote and I was thinking the same way as you were. Kg18 wanted to know the size of wire to run for a 125 amp sub. Wasn't sure where he was getting the power from and the load so I felt that he shouldn't under size the wire so #1 copper was my pick.


Senior Member
Re: 125 amp sub panel

2/0 CU or 4/0 al the ocpd protects the wire feeding the load individual ocpds protect the branch circuit.
Size it accordingly and we have done our job.
Now after the fact MR. handyman/ho`r steps in that is on their shoulders.Could be might happen
how many times have we seen this ???? Zip cord used as a receptacle add on,or open j boxes in an attic ????The best is a wall sconce feding a receplatacle(s) that has been plastered over :cool:
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