14 vs. 12 Romex

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Electrical Designer
I don't know if anyone has discussed this yet, but I'm curious as to what you guys think. Is there a reason to wire all general plugs and lights in a house in 12awg Romex instead of 14awg Romex? I hear lots of opinions, but it doesn't seem like anyone can give me a reason. And as a specific question, is there a code prohibiting 14awg to a refrigerator, or should common sense be prohibiting this? Much thanks!
Short answers. No and No. Code only requires 20A circuits for the SABC's to kitchen counter tops and for bathroom out lets. I normaly do the rest of a house in 14 unless there are a lot of lights on a particular branch.
Some people think they are doing something "extra Special" when they wire a house in #12. Actually, its a waste of time and money!
How much voltage drop is in an average 2000sf house?
I agree with the others and suggest you read the link provided by Chris. Hopefully you have some spare time on your hands. :)

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