Does anyone know where I can veiw the 1968 NEC (on line), and at no cost. I am looking for the requirements for conduit supports.
Does anyone know where I can veiw the 1968 NEC (on line), and at no cost. I am looking for the requirements for conduit supports.
What type of conduit . . .I am looking for the requirements for conduit supports.
Does anyone know where I can veiw the 1968 NEC (on line), and at no cost. I am looking for the requirements for conduit supports.
I have a 1959 NEC that my sister found while taking her newspapers to her local recycling center! I know that has nothing to do with the thread, but, dang it, I love that book!:grin: When I started taking Construction Electricity in HS, we were using the 1978. At some stupid point in my life, (divorce?, move? or whatever) I threw away my '78, '81, '84 (plus hardbound Handbook), '87, '90, and '93 NECs. Now I have from '96 to present. (plus my '59) I probably shouldn't put this out there until after I re-build my collection, but you can find old NECs on E-Bay for as little as $1 with no bids!![]()
We had an old code book here at work, not sure exactly what year, but it was the '40's - sometime near the war years.
I should of asked if anyone cared if I took it. I just realized it got thrown out a couple of months ago when someone did some housecleaning. :-?
.............. but you can find old NECs on E-Bay for as little as $1 with no bids!![]()