1993 Double Wide Mobile Home With detatched garage new meter box disconnect & center

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1993 Double Wide Mobile Home With detatched garage new meter box disconnect & center

Here's the story

We bought a 1993 Double wide mobile home new in Winfield Missouri. Recently Ameren Missouri came to replace our old digital meter with a Time of Day meter, While replacing the meter they noticed one of the hot legs lugs have been melted. Ameren wanted to shut the power off to the residence but after a long discussion an a few more techs stopping by they decided to give me some time. I Purchased Milbank 320-Amp Ringless Single Phase (120/240) Meter Socket Model # 1120375 from Lowes online I also purchased Per Ameren's request a "fusible disconnect breaker" Square D QO 200-Amp 2-Pole Circuit Breaker Model # QOM2E2200NRB also from Lowes online. Finally I purchased a large load center from Home depot online QO 200 Amp 60-Space 60-Circuit Indoor Main Plug-On Neutral Load Breaker Center Model # QO160M200PC which is mounted inside of a detached garage directly behind the meter box. Ameren said "New rules say you have have the meter base mounted on a wood post & the meter base must be a few inches higher from the grade." So I purchased all new wire and conduit and moved the box from a pole to the back left corner of the garage since it is a permanent structure. I mounted all three of my enclosures then ran 4/0 4/0 4/0 2/0 wire from the meter box to the load center in the garage directly behind the meter box. I connected the two hot legs and the neutral legs in their perspective spots then I had the 4th 2/0 ground I pulled it out then used the neutral bonding screw to bond the neutral bus to the box. I believe I did this part correct as this is the pain panel after the meter box. Next I ran my ground wire from 2 8' ground rods 6' apart into the meter box in one continuous stran to the neutral bar. I ran then ran the feeder wire from the meter box to the disconnect box from the second sets of terminals in the meter box. I put the hots and neutrals in the perspective places. The part that confuses me is the grounding. See this box came with a grounding kit It had two terminals and a screw but no directions. I noticed in the back of the box that there is one hole I put that screw in said hole and tightened down the two lugs with the one screw now this would mean the ground is separate from the neutral in the disconnect box so I'm not sure I have done this part correct or have I? I ran the wire from the 200 amp load center inside the double wire 17' under ground to the disconnect and connected the hots and neutrals then connected both 2/0 grounds to the lugs I installed. I am waiting for Ameren to come run their wire not but before they do I would like to get some understanding of how to ground the 200 amp load center in the mobile home and the disconnect correctly. Currently in the double wide there is a 200 Amp GE load center that will remain but there is only 3 wires coming in no ground. There is a disconnect out side but it is a non fusible one so I think the way it is wired now it incorrect. The way I under stand it is the new fusible disconnect is considered the main panel and the 200 amp load center is considered a subpanel and in that case it requires 4/0 4/0 4/0 2/0 mobile home feeder wire and the box and neutral must not be bonded is this true? and If I am on the right page with this where am I suppose to attach the wires in the disconnect and inside the load center do I need to buy a 2/0 lug kit for the box? any help is greatly appreciated.
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