2 lightning stories ...

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stickboy1375 said:
I had to laugh pretty hard at #2, and think I have better odds of falling out of a plane because the door fell off...:grin:

#2 is a doozy ...LOL.....not so LOL for the person in the documented case.


Did you hear about the golfer who was struck by lightning?

He's One in the Hole.

And while Im at, it it was bad about the guy who was hit by lighning and lost his whole left side?

He's All Right now.
Damage to Electrical System

Damage to Electrical System

I had a customer email today about damage done to her appliances from lightning last night. How would you test the electrical system for damage?

Totally off-topic:

#2 is on all of the newscasts in the Washington, DC area today. They are trying to make it sound like wearing an IPOD is almost suicide. This is similar to the e-mail I received yesterday warning me to NEVER use my cell phone while it is connected to the charger because this will result in electrocution! Some people need to get a hobby so they don't have so much time on their hands.
Oakey said:
Wow that is hardcore radio! Listen to it when we need to get motivated

That's on during the AM "rush hour" drive ....lot's of people wave to me as I sail past them ...but they only use one finger...is that a hip new hello ?
celtic said:
That's on during the AM "rush hour" drive ....lot's of people wave to me as I sail past them ...but they only use one finger...is that a hip new hello ?

Love those New Jersey drivers. I bet you couldn't keep up with Corzine on the GSP.:rolleyes:
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