2" pvc slb

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I have always heard them called service LB's -- thus the SLB. I also have not seen them in pvc but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.
I think the S would be a problem.

I always thought it was short LB since they are shorter than LB's

If you need a standard PVC LB, no problem. Even the Dome Depot has them.

If you have space restrictions, use a JB and drill it.

Beware of wire bending radius if applicable.
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What would you use it for? Even an standard 2" LB is probably too small to put the wires in if this is for a service.
What would you use it for? Even an standard 2" LB is probably too small to put the wires in if this is for a service.

I have never used them for a service but I have used 1/2" slb because they are smaller and a bit tidier. Of course I was using small wire-- #12. I can't imagine 3/0 copper in these.:grin:

I guess I'm outta luck.

It will contain 4 #2 THHN and 1 #4 RHW. 2" conduit is upsized for this application so I wanted to use a smaller profile LB to stay closer to the surface of the structure
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