2 wire system

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It’s the dumbest code change in an illustrious list of dumb code changes.
I think there's a Latin phrase for that, but I'm a little groggy right now.

Or any of the number of amazing panel locations that have sprouted over the last 100 years, obsolete panels, boxes barely deep enough for a duplex holding its breath...
Two words, wiremold box.
So I'm not sitting on the code book now but Aren't those AFCI/GFCI receptacles supposed to be readily accessible also? How do you comply with that when there's furniture setting in front of them?

For apparent fire-hazard negligence, if Fire Marshal reports don't show batteries missing in smokes, insurance adjusters will need to prove other fire-code violations, like missing AFCI's with new plugs, before settling claims at pennies on the dollar.

As Curt Swartz explained, if your workmanship is implicated, as long as your GL policy is current, your incorporated entity may get 50% payout of claim value. Your personal liability is only 1/2 the property-loss claim. "If you refuse to pay to settle the case, plan to be ready to cover the legal expenses of all parties during the trial."

Would also not rely on combination inspectors to be current with 406.4(D). Was amazed when a HUD-housing inspector failed my GFCI's on 2-wire outlets because the external tester didn't trip it without grounding. The property owner had to present a copy of 110.3(B) and OEM instructions using the GFCI test button. It was a pathetic ordeal.
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