200 amp service changeout estimating

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Dont have much experience estimating and would like some input on how you guys calculate pricing for service change outs. Such as 125 replacing with a 200. This includes no other work just the n]
ew mast,meter base and panel. How much time etc?

[ February 09, 2004, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: joe stewart ]
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

Residential I usually figure a service at 8-10 hours depending on the structure and grounding. Most can get done in 6-7, but you never know when one will be a bastard and you'll lose a few hours, so bet safe.

Because 125 to 200 is an equipment upgrade and not replacement, you'll need to figure in permit costs as well. I've seen this work go as low as $1400 flat out, but we usually get about twice that.
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

Southern California, land of the $400.00 main breaker.
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

You should base your estimate on PVC, Pipe or Service entrance cable. Also on alluminium or copper, and size of panel 40crkts etc..
Than as suggested figure 10 hrs labor, profit overhead & permit fees.
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

So 10 hrs seems to be the consensus eh? Seems a bit low but you guys must have more experience than I do on resi. Thanks
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

"So 10 hrs seems to be the consensus eh? Seems a bit low but you guys must have more experience than I do on resi. Thanks "
I am curious as to how long others take.
I can see maybe 1/2 hour travel each way.
Can see removal maybe up to 1 1/2 hours(thats figuring high)
Instaal new can and riser,arrester and 2 rods maybe 1 1/2 hours
New panel 2 hours
total maybe 6 hours plus permit time and 1 hour at supply house.
I do most of mine in about 4 to 5 hours assuming material was delivered and boss picked up permit
Yes it kills a day for one man,but if he needs more than 10 hours he needs to find a new job.
There are exceptions when nothing goes right or fits.
Also times when it goes so easy you might be taking lunch early
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

I agree, if a panel actually took you 10 hours, something has gone horribly wrong. However, panel changes are about 1 in 5 for something going horribly wrong, heh.

I find a good rule of thumb is that the older the panel you are replacing, the more time you're going to figure into it. If it's even slightly out of date odds are you'll be re-doing the grounding system, which takes some time. As they get older, you run into more odd configurations (often with the meter below) that aren't going to work with a modern all-in-one without some modification time.

It's pretty easy to add up your total material and permit costs, add 15% to that for tax and odds-n-ends, then ask yourself, "what do I need to profit on this job to justify doing it"?. In the end, that's what matters, if it's not worth it to you to beat their low bid, just don't.
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

Part of my old job was estimating fire jobs and service changes.I almost always came in under my time allowance.Figure things going normal and add 2 hours
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

200A Changeover I figure 2 men one day. We do from the point of attachment down, We supply weatherhead,PVC,meter socket,main breaker panel and all breakers and connectors. Also the 2/O copper.And the 4 copper

$3400 typically, subject to adjustment

We are located in Boston MA.

[ February 09, 2004, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: jeffrose ]
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

WOW $3,400 for 200Amp service, and I thought the rates in NYC are high.
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

Wow $3400. 16 man hours labor = $400 - Material, permits = $1000. $2000 profit! 200 jobs a year = $400,000!! :eek:
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

Only part wrong in your math is the 200 jobs.Try that here and you be lucky to get 2
And you left out McDonalds.
If i was given a helper and 8 hours i would put a bed in that van,lotta nap time
Was that based on 4 day week? probably need friday off after working so hard all week. :D

[ February 11, 2004, 12:58 PM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]
Re: 200 amp service changeout estimating

You have to take Friday off to count all your money.
And the material list included lunch at Outback Steakhouse! :eek:
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