18-24 Log #3467 NEC-P18 Final Action: Accept in Principle
(406.3(D)(3) (New) )
Submitter: John I. Williamson, Maple Grove, MN
Recommendation: Add text to read as follows:
Create a new section 406.3(D)(3). Renumber existing 2005 NEC section
406.3(D)(3) to 406.3(D)(4) and so on for all subsequent existing sections.
(3) Tamper-Resistant Receptacles. Listed tamper-resistant receptacles shall be
provided where replacements are made at receptacle outlets that are required to
be tamper-resistant elsewhere in this Code.
Substantiation: Unless otherwise required in 406.3(D), it is presumed that
tamper-resistant receptacles are only required to be installed at new receptacle
outlet locations in existing occupancies where a receptacle outlet previously
was not installed. For existing occupancies with existing receptacles, if it was
the intent of the NEC to require the existing non-tamper-resistant receptacles to
be replaced with tamper-resistant receptacles, the NEC needs to be properly
correlated to reflect that requirement.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle
406.3(D)(3) to read as follows:
(3) Tamper-Resistant Receptacles. Listed tamper-resistant receptacles shall be
provided where replacements are made at receptacle outlets that are required to
be tamper-resistant elsewhere in the code.
Renumber subsequent sections.
Panel Statement: The submitter mistakenly asked for this change to the 2005
NEC code text.
Number Eligible to Vote: 11
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 11