2011 nec clarification (current carrying conductors)

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New member
Decatur, il
For calculating the derating based on the number of current carrying conductors. .
A scenario:
installing high bay lights with a switched hot, an unswitched hot (for emergency lighting on the same high bay light, it charges a capacitor which illuminates a seperate bulb that clips on the lens in the event that power is lost), we won't muddy the water with neutrals.

I believe this is 2 current carrying conductors, am I correct?

Thanks in advance,
Rob Perkins
With what you have described (and not muddying any water with neutrals) I would tend to agree.

If the unswitched conductor is the same circuit as the switch conductor. then I believe, that the intent is to call that 1 CCC. The problem is the code does not make that distinction. The same question is often asked about 3 way switches or a conduit with one feed and 6 switch legs all the same circuit. IMO, these should not be counted but per NEC they are counted.
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