OK. So as I read this, when I'm working under the 2014 (which, in Minnesota happens early this coming summer) I can, by Code:
1. Replace an existing non-grounding-type receptacle in a bedroom with a new non-grounding-type receptacle that is non-TR and, as long as I pigtail two or more conductors, no AFCI protection is required.
2. Replace an existing grounding-type receptacle in a bedroom with a TR-grounding-type receptacle and, as long as I pigtail two or more conductors, no AFCI protection is required.
Now, I know there are more "if-thens" that get into other cases, like if I have a need for GFCI protection, or if the receptacle is different than 15 or 20 Amp 120 Volt, etc., and I am not trying to side-step them.
My points #1 & #2 are about areas listed in 210.12(A) and applying 406.4(D) in all its glory to the lowly single family residence with existing non-grounding wiring method(s) supplying existing non-grounding-type receptacles, as well as the single family residence with existing grounding wiring method(s) supplying existing grounding-type receptacles.