2020 NEC Handbook problems

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The paid version will allow copying and pasting. The free version, if it is still there, will not allow copy and paste
Thanks for the info. I just checked the NFPA website and you are correct, I did not see a free version. The paid version is actually as you suggested a subscription service. The best offering is $100.00 per year minus 10% if you are a member. As much as I like the hard copy of the NEC I would like to give the electronic version a try in order to speed up my searches. I wonder if the subscription service includes access to all of the former electronic versions of the NEC? Nice to have sometimes if you are working on an older system.
Thanks for the info. I just checked the NFPA website and you are correct, I did not see a free version. The paid version is actually as you suggested a subscription service. The best offering is $100.00 per year minus 10% if you are a member. As much as I like the hard copy of the NEC I would like to give the electronic version a try in order to speed up my searches. I wonder if the subscription service includes access to all of the former electronic versions of the NEC? Nice to have sometimes if you are working on an older system.

Go here and at the top click free access to many previous codes some to 1968

You need to join but membership is free.
Just to throw my two cents in... I had got the 2020 and the fancy tabs. While putting the tabs in, I found out I was missing 30 pages straight from one tab to the next. I think the printer just didn't feel like printing those 30 pages. Oh well, I called NFPA and they sent me a new one and new tabs. No issues on the new one.
The online version, like my kindle won't allow copying and pasting either I would imagine.
Can't speak for latest versions, but used to be you could copy/paste from electronic versions you paid for, even subscription based versions. The free to view versions on the NFPA website however never allowed copy/paste functions, you would at least need to use "snipping tool" or other screen shot features, but those are capturing images and not text as a general rule.
I was able to get a hold of someone at NFPA yesterday, who I will mention was not very friendly. She was doing everything she could to not yell at me. But she was more than happy to try to sell me a $175.00 dollar fee to become a member of the NFPA (Entry member) so that I can talk to someone about the mistakes in the NEC. CRAZY!
I was finally able to get some information out of her and found that NFPA is in fact the publisher of the NEC ( which I knew, just wanted them to admit their mess up). I was told that they post corrections to book content on their web page. So, they have Errata's. I found them, I have attached 3 of the four I found. The 4th is a correction is on 210.12(A). Forum won't let me load file.

I still want to express my disappoint over the quality of the 2020 NEC. I believe that we deserve much better quality in our books, especially for the price we pay! COME ON NFPA!
Just curious to know how you found these errata. Does the NFPA publish a complete list of errata or are these just some of the errata they send you via e-mail periodically?
The NFPA customer servicce people did a round job of disparaging the handbook the last time I talked to them. I used to get the handbook each year as PDF because in addition to the the extra non-normative text in the handbook, the process of making the handbook into PDF was much better than the straight code-to-PDF. The code-only PDF lacks a proper table of contents, for instance.

Of course, all that is history anyhow because the NFPA is so afraid of losing a few bucks, that they non longer offer PDF. At least NFPA Link actually functions unlike their previous disaster of online access.

I've not had any problems cutting and pasting from NFPA link here. I do have to tweak the formatting a bit (but the PDF had that issue as well).
Just curious to know how you found these errata. Does the NFPA publish a complete list of errata or are these just some of the errata they send you via e-mail periodically?
Available on NFPA website, as well as TIA's, PI reports, and other code making information . https://www.nfpa.org/codes-and-stan...ds/list-of-codes-and-standards/detail?code=70

can go back and look at this information on past codes (at least as far back as the electronic age on all editions)
I did this on my iPhone, screen shot, save to files, and convert to pdf.
You can screen capture on windows, but have not done it in so long I don’t remember how at this moment. :(
I believe it is Alt + PrtScrn


  • IMG_5655.pdf
    538.5 KB · Views: 23
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1) I have recently had to purchase the 2020 Handbook twice due to the poor quality of the book. The first book completely separated at the bind when I first opened it. Come on guys! This is supposed to be durable book! Never had problems with the 2014 or 2017 Handbook. I am afraid to open the new one all the way.
2) I continuously find problems with the text in the book like nobody took the time to proof read it. We pay way too much money for the Handbook to have this many errors! The most recent is in 220.14. Somebody forgot to label sections (E)-(H) correctly! So, if you look you will see that it goes 220.14(A)-(D) then again (A)-(D). Where is (E)-(H)?
I have found a few more as well, and I haven't even began to get into the new code book.
Did I get a fake copy???
Can these messed up books be exchanged for corrected versions????

Not sure about 2020 but I bought NEC 2014 handbook in 2014 and today the cover and bindings have come off so that from start up to Section 210 or so pages have been off the binding including the front cover.
There's a substantial difference between taking a screen shot of something and embedding the raster into a PDF file than actually having a PDF document that is useful. It's certainly horrendous to read on this forum (whether or not you're on a similar-sized phone).
Not sure about 2020 but I bought NEC 2014 handbook in 2014 and today the cover and bindings have come off so that from start up to Section 210 or so pages have been off the binding including the front cover.
That's why I like the PDF. The covers never come off that :) It's a shame the NFPA is so money grubbing that they can't trust those who have not allegedly abused anything with the electronic documents.
Just got my 2020 Handbook;
The spine just started breaking as I was flipping thru it,
the print quality of the images is 1990's newspaper quality grainy,
there is a watermark on each page that makes it hard to read,
and errors so far include 210.12 (A) as mentioned before.
Nothing like the quality the 2017 handbook was I feel like I cant even trust this book
Thanks, I learned a new word "erratum" (2 rs though)

If everybody wrote a letter to the publisher would it help? I have heard that letters carry much more heft than other communications.

I don't have the 2020 yet, but this has been a common complaint. My 2017 has held up very well.
I miss my 2017!!
Is there a list of all the errors in the 2020 handbooks posted somewhere?
So far we know of 210.12 (A)
I need to make a handout for students so they can fix the faulty books.
Is there a list of all the errors in the 2020 handbooks posted somewhere?
So far we know of 210.12 (A)
I need to make a handout for students so they can fix the faulty books.

There is a limited list (errata) of errors listed on the NFPA's web site. Pain to locate. I did attach a few of them from NFPA early on in thread that you can look at. For me, it has been find and mark as I go through the code book.

Attached are three files. For some reason the fourth wont attach to this.
These are the only corrections I found listed with NFPA. But, there are plenty more.


  • Errata_70_20_1.pdf
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  • Errata_70_20_2.pdf
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  • Errata_70_20_3.pdf
    98.2 KB · Views: 1
There is a limited list (errata) of errors listed on the NFPA's web site. Pain to locate. I did attach a few of them from NFPA early on in thread that you can look at. For me, it has been find and mark as I go through the code book.

Attached are three files. For some reason the fourth wont attach to this.
These are the only corrections I found listed with NFPA. But, there are plenty more.
Tortuga asked for handbook errata, I think what you posted is just for NEC only not the handbook. Not certain they even have errata information for the handbook.
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