208 from 3 Phase Wye

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Steve is right, the line voltages peak at 60, 180, and 300 degrees. My keyboard misspoke again.

The chart is correct, and this can be proven with a little trig or by drawing the phasor diagrams.

Spreadsheets are not very good for this sort of thing. A circuit simulator is far easier--once you learn to use it. I knew at one time--long, long, ago though, so I have to muddle through.

This is what one would see if one could hook a 6-channel oscilloscope to the phase and line voltages.
Parden my terms I use in my discussion of this field but what most call a leading or laging wave form is what I am calling my resulant wave.I'm sure Rattus Steve and others realize that I don't mean to confuse anyone.

If we take a reading from two conductors with a voltage tester we read the result of all the wave forms interacting with one another.This is the resulant wave form I refere to.

If we look at these wave forms with an oscilloscope with one input we would see one wave. The resulant wave.

In order to see a scan on the scope that looks like the one in the graph would require an input for each phase, 1 from lines a,b 1 from b,c and 1 from a,c.

At least thats the way it was in the old days

Hey Steve

As far as I know the spread sheet of MSworks and Excel are very similar.

I hate to admit it but I don't have Excel on my computer. I wrote the 3 phase spread sheet with msworks and it works fine. I even lighted down 360 line and pasted the information in as you said and everything falls in place.

Although I don't have Excel I can still save it as Excel.

Here is the graph in Excel I don't even know if it opens OK.


Please down load this and see if it opens OK I would really appreciate.

I see the data, but not the chart. I can copy the data into excel, and get the sine wave to plot, but I can't figure out how to put more than one function on a single chart.

Sometimes I hate to admit I paid for Excel.

I was referring to the original posted link to the graphic.

The picture on the bottom left of the graphic shows ABC rotation. However, the graph is ACB.
Woops. After looking at it again I take back my original comment, it does have the proper rotation ABC. Thanks for clearing it up. Sorry for the added confusion.
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