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Perhaps it was not intended that way but...

I think it is exactly what was intended and what was required by the 2002 NEC dropped in the 2005 and now put back in the 2008.

2-19 Log #670 NEC-P02 Final Action: Accept
Submitter: Jamie McNamara, Hastings, MN

Recommendation: Revise as follows:
210.5 (C) Ungrounded Conductors. Where the premises wiring system has
branch circuits supplied from more then one nominal voltage system, each
ungrounded conductor of a branch circuit, where accessible, shall be identified
by phase and system.

Substantiation: 210.4 in the 2002 NEC required identified by phase and
system this identification helps installers and maintenance personnel identify
what phase and system they will be services or working on and the hazards

Panel Meeting Action: Accept

Number Eligible to Vote: 12

Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12

Comment on Affirmative:

BROWN, L.: In all, see Panel Action on related Proposals: 2-19; 2-22; 2-24;
2-290; and 2-292.
I would like to see the code panel action for why they removed it in the 2005. Do you have that?

I agree with Iwire on the intent but am curious as to why it was removed.
I would like to see the code panel action for why they removed it in the 2005. Do you have that?

I agree with Iwire on the intent but am curious as to why it was removed.

They where making other changes and I think the phase requirement was dropped by mistake but that is my own assumption I have no facts to back that up.
seems like you guys are at odds
fwiw I'm on with Infinity but clearly see where Don gets it
The 2002 code required identification by phase and system, but only for multiwire branch circuits.
The rule was expanded to cover all branch circuits, not just multiwire ones in the 2005 code, but only required identification by system, not by phase.
A proposal of mine for the 2008 code required that the branch circuit conductors be identified by both phase and system.
In my opinion CMP 2 deleted the requirement for identification without substantiation when they accepted proposal 2-30 in principle.
2-30 Log #2788 NEC-P02
(210-5(C) (New) )
Final Action: Accept in Principle
TCC Action:
It was the action of the Technical Correlating Committee that this Proposal be referred to Code-Making Panels 5 and 6 for
Submitter: Michael I. Callanan, NJATC / Rep. IBEW
Add a new Section 210.5(C) to read as follows:
(C) Ungrounded Conductors. This section shall apply to new branch-circuit installations only.
(1) Sizes 6 AWG or smaller. Branch circuit identification shall be determined in accordance with Table 210.5(C)
***Insert Table 210.5(C) Here***
(unable to copy the table from the ROP, but it called for the use of the traditional colors to be used for phase and system identification)
Exception: Where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the installation,
ungrounded conductors in multiconductor cables shall be permitted to be permanently identified at their terminations at the time of
installation by a distinctive marking at its terminations. The markings shall be by separate color coding, marking tape, or other
approved means. This marking shall encircle the conductor or insulation and shall conform with the conductor insulation color
identification in Table 210.5(C).
(2) Sizes Larger Than 6 AWG. Ungrounded conductor larger than 6 AWG shall be permitted to be identified in accordance with Table
210.5(C) or by three continuous stripes along its entire length or at the time of installation by a distinctive marking at its terminations.
The markings shall be by separate color coding, marking tape, or other approved means. This marking shall encircle the conductor or
insulation and shall conform with the conductor insulation color identification in Table 210.5(C).
(3) High-Leg Marking. On a 4-wire, delta-connected system where the midpoint of one phase winding is grounded to supply lighting
and similar loads, branch circuit conductors having the higher phase voltage to ground shall be identified in accordance with 110.15.
(4) Isolated Power Systems. Branch circuit conductors for isolated power systems in health care facilities shall be identified in
accordance with 517.160(A)(5).
FPN: Other means of color identification may have been used in the past for ungrounded conductors. Care should be taken when
working on existing systems.
This proposal is an effort to reopen consideration on the need for color identification of branch-circuit conductors. Unfortunately, over
the past several Code cycles the debate has faded since means of identification for ungrounded conductors was removed from the Code.
Clearly, industry practice, including job-site installation practices, engineering specifications and job specifications, dictates, that a
means of branch-circuit & feeder identification, based on color, be implemented for the project. This proposal and a companion proposal
for feeders in Article 215, attempt to move this industry practice to a higher level and increase the safety of the electrical installation for
those who install and maintain electrical systems. Specifically, the proposal is intended to do the following:
1) apply only to new installations. This is not a retroactive proposal and is intended to apply to new installations only. One of the
concerns in the past has been the comingling of means of color identification within a building or structure. Clearly, there are many
installations that we reinstalled that do not conform with the requirements of this proposal. A FPN that parallels that used in Article 200
in the previous Code has been added to warn personnel that this may be the case and care should be taken. But, the fact remains that as
was done for the 4-wire range rule in Section 250.140, a requirement that applies only to new installations is an excellent starting point.
2) follows the structure of Section 200.6 by establishing requirements based on the size of the conductor. For sizes, 6 AWG or smaller
the means of identification must be by color identification in accordance with the new Table 210.5(C). This will probably accommodate
the vast majority of the branch circuit conductor installations. An exception has been provided that will provide necessary relief for
multiconductor cables installed where the conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only qualified persons service the
installation. This exception parallels that found in Section 200.6(E) for grounded conductors. It should be noted however, that even if
such conditions do exist, re-identification of the ungrounded conductors is still required.
3) provides for following the Table or re-identification of conductors size larger than 6 AWG for all installations. It would not be
practical to expect that in sizes larger than 6 AWG a wide range of color identifications for the various voltages would be readily
available. However, there are probably far fewer branch circuit conductors installed in size range and the proposal permits
re-identification that is again, a common industry practice in this size range.
4) Correlates with the requirements for high leg marking found in Section 110.15 and isolated power systems in 517.160(C).
Obviously this is a significant proposal and one that has not been taken without due consideration. CMP-2 has done an outstanding
job and has a history of being out in front on critical issues that impact safety. CMP-2's work on GFCI protection, and most recently on
AFCI protection, has set the standard for addressing technological advances that enhance safety. This proposal offers no new
technology, only an existing work practice, that where implemented improves safety. This is perhaps part of the problem. CMP-2 has
correctly stated in the past that color code should not be a means to identify the voltage of the conductor. Without a doubt that is the
truth. NFPA 70E and OSHA require that proper safety-related work practices be followed when working on or near energized conductors
or equipment. This proposal is not intended to, nor should it, ever be a substitute for personnel adhering to prescribed safe work
practices. But, make no mistake about it, when a maintenance electrician opens a junction box or a luminaire and sees a brown
ungrounded branch circuit conductor and a gray grounded conductor it sets off a series of signals and perceptions that he or she will
only ignore once in their life. Color code identification is a simple tool to trigger a response that ensures that proper safe work practices
will be implemented.
For certain, there are many other reasons that have been offered through the years to bolster the cause for color identification of
conductors. We have chosen instead to reopen this debate based only on the safety implications. Evidence from the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers safety and accident records indicates that the leading voltage responsible for the death and injury of
its members is 277 volts. Astounding, when one considers the preponderance of 120/240 that exists. We have increased our training
efforts over the past 5 years significantly, but we believe that this is not a problem only know to our members, but to the industry as
well. This proposal is an effort to standardize a proven industry practice that offers many possible short-term benefits and clearly, a
great long-term potential as more and more buildings are wired in accordance with this proposal. We must begin somewhere and while
the proposal only seeks to make the practice a requirement for new installations, it certainly offers the hope of a spill-over into rehabs
and retrofits. The IBEW thanks CMP-2 for its past leadership and acknowledgment of the importance of personal safety in the Code and
hopes that this proposal stimulates discussion about a work practice that we believe will benefit the entire industry if it is implemented
in a standardized and comprehensive manner.

Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle
Delete existing 210.4(D) and revise 210.5 by adding a new (C) to read as follows:
(C) Ungrounded Conductors. Where the premises wiring system has branch circuits supplied from more than one nominal voltage
system, each ungrounded conductor of a branch circuit, where accessible, shall be identified by system. The means of identification shall
be permitted to be by separate color coding, marking tape, tagging, or other approved means and shall be permanently posted at each
branch-circuit panelboard or similar distribution equipment.
Panel Statement:
The panel agrees that the identification of the ungrounded conductors for branch circuits is needed. However, the panel notes that color
code is only one of several acceptable means to accomplish this. The panel accepts the addition of a new (C) but has revised the text to
utilize the concept already utilized for multi-wire branch circuits in 210.4(D). This revision removes the proposed requirement that the
means of identification be by color code only, which is overly restrictive. The addition of a new (C) will provide a greater degree of
latitude, particularly for occupancies that already have an established means of identification for their facility, but, at the same, will
increase the degree of safety when installing new branch circuits. The panel has deleted 210.4(D), since this new requirement applies to
all ungrounded conductors.
Number Eligible to Vote: 13
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 13
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Here is my proposal for the 2008 code. Note that they did not comment on my statement that sais the 2005 panel action deleted the requirement to identify by phase without any substantiation.
2-22 Log #2221 NEC-P02 Final Action: Accept
Submitter: Donald A. Ganiere, Ottawa, IL
Recommendation: Revise as follows:
(C) Ungrounded Conductors. Where the premises wiring system has branch circuits supplied from more than one nominal voltage system, each ungrounded conductor of a branch circuit, where accessible, shall be identified by phase and system. The means of identification shall be permitted to be by separate color coding, marking tape, tagging, or other approved means and shall be permanently posted at each branch-circuit panelboard or similar branch-circuit distribution equipment.

Substantiation: In the 2002 code, identification was required by both phase and system for multiwire branch circuits. When the identification rule was expanded to cover other than multiwire branch circuits in the 2005 code, the requirement to identify by phase was deleted without substantiation. The identification by phase is required to help prevent overloading of grounded
conductors when changes are made to the wiring system.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept
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