I agree, it's also two receptacles so you have to look carefully at how the island requirement is worded.A duplex receptacle is one receptacle outlet.
Article 605 for a kitchen island? You just referencing the receptacle count?For the purpose of counting max allowed receptacles NEC 605.9(C) defines 1 duplex as equivlent 2 simplex.
Hence the reason I'm asking the question.....I agree, it's also two receptacles so you have to look carefully at how the island requirement is worded.
NEC 605 "Office Furnishings"Article 605 for a kitchen island?
(2) Island and Peninsular Countertops and Work Surfaces.
Receptacle outlets shall be installed in accordance with 210.52(C)(2)(a) and (C)(2)(b).
- (a)
At least one receptacle outlet shall be provided for the first 0.84 m2 (9 ft2), or fraction thereof, of the countertop or work surface. A receptacle outlet shall be provided for every additional 1.7 m2 (18 ft2), or fraction thereof, of the countertop or work surface.- (b)
At least one receptacle outlet shall be located within 600 mm (2 ft) of the outer end of a peninsular countertop or work surface. Additional required receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located as determined by the installer, designer, or building owner. The location of the receptacle outlets shall be in accordance with 210.52(C)(3).
A peninsular countertop shall be measured from the connected perpendicular wall.
I don't have the 2020 with me but isn't the requirement for "receptacle outlets" not receptacles?Hence the reason I'm asking the question.....Under the 2020NEC we have to calculate the sqf of the island slab to determine the amount of required receptacles. we are trying to determine if we can argue that we are installing 4 receptacles (duplex on each end) and not have to install a double duplex on one side.
The general receptacle outlet requirement for qualifying island and peninsula countertop spaces in 210.52(C)(2) and (C)(3) calls for one receptacle outlet for the first 9 square feet, or 1296 square inches of countertop space. If the countertop is larger than 9 square feet, a second receptacle would be required for the next 18 square feet or 2592 square inches of the countertop space. If the countertop is larger, an additional receptacle would be required for every additional 18 square feet, or 2592 square inches, of countertop space. If the island or peninsula countertop is separated into two or more spaces, such as by a cooktop or a sink, and each space is at least 12 inches wide, the spaces would be treated as separate countertops and receptacle placement would be based on 210.52(C)(2). The receptacle outlet for a peninsula countertop is required to be located not further than 2 feet from the outer (the edge furthest from the connecting edge) edge of the peninsula countertop. Additional receptacles can be located at the discretion of the owner, installer, or designer. Unlike peninsula countertops, island countertops do not have a mandatory receptacle outlet placement requirement, and the minimum number of outlet(s) determined in accordance with 210.52(C)(2)(a) can all be located as desired by the owner, installer, or designer.
Per thisHere is the 2020
I don't have the 2020 with me but isn't the requirement for "receptacle outlets" not receptacles?
Ok so based on the definition of Receptacle outlet a duplex at the island is one outlet.... Bummer.