210.52B and exhaust hood on small appliance ckt

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Industrial Maintenance Electrician
Industrial process repair/ maintenance Electrician
IMO an exhaust hood should not be allowed on small appliance branch circuit thru 210.52B. Please feel free to correct me I have been wrong many times.
You are correct.

No Other Outlets. The two or more small-appliance
branch circuits specified in 210.52(B)(1) shall have no other

Thats how I read it i figured hood might be considered fixed in place appliance. If they had a 3rd 20amp circuit say for dining room could it go on that. IMO yes
You also might want to take 422.16(B)(4) into consideration. If applicable to your installation, it requires a 20 amp individual circuit.
We put the hood and the gas stove on the SABC for many years. It was not until recently we started to run all of them on a 20A dedicated circuit.
Augie, is that section only for cord and plug connected hoods?
Seemingly so and that was the reason for "if applicable". I was unsure if the OP had cord or hard wired but I wanted to make him aware of the Section.
You also might want to take 422.16(B)(4) into consideration. If applicable to your installation, it requires a 20 amp individual circuit.
Thank you I see in B(4)(5) if using receptacle must have individual branch circuit
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