FP-does not the exception tell us what qualifies….if we are trying to use the exception.
I don't think people are actually trying to use the exception. They are wondering if we can use annual kWh data to comply with the main section above the exception. We only look to the exception because the language is more specific about the data required.
SP - I do not see any means to convert kWhr data to kW.
Let's take an example...
If I have an hourly consumption data point of 7.2kWh between 6pm and 7pm, then the most extreme possibility for demand (as defined by the exception) is that 7.2kWh was consumed within 15 minutes and zero kWh was consumed for the rest of the hour. This is accomplished simply by multiplying 7.2 by 4 (60mins/15mins). This method produces a conservative result of 28.8kW, and applies to literally all the possible 15minute intervals that start and end within the hour (i.e. start between 6pm and 6:45pm, and end between 6:15pm and 7pm)
With respect to intervals that overlap with neighboring hours (e.g. 5:53pm to 6:08pm), the most extreme assumption is that
both hours entire consumption occured within that 15 minute interval. So if my kWh for 5pm to 6pm was 4.5kWh, then the maximum possible demand (as defined by the exception) is (7.2+4.5)*4=46.8kW.
Btw, these sorts of numbers are typical of what I see for homes I look at. And the two different calcs come out to 120A and 195A respectively.
What Rick's numbers show us is that such calculations (without the overlapping versions,actually) are outrageously conservative, i.e. they likely overestimate real demand (as defined by the exception) by more than double for 95% of homes. It's to be expected that they are very conservative overestimates because of course most people have a constant low amount of load and high loads are usually for shorter times. But Rick has helped us quantify the likely size of the overestimate.
I think a point to be made about all of this is that since the exception is a legit way to meet 220.87, then these sorts of kW calcs ought to be too.
TP - to what end if you cannot convert to kW. We would still need to validate all loads were captured.
See above. Also demand data is agnostic with respect to the actual loads.