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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have building that already has 1200A 277/480V three phase main service switchboard, 1200A 277/480V electric utility into the switchboard.

The switchboard has 100A spare breaker and overall load should be fine if we added new loads. However, the owner wants in same building 208V/120V, three phase 200A new electric utility service. We said he can get thru 100A switchboard spare breaker feeding transformer 480V to 208/120V three phase but wants additional utility service.

Not sure if the above would fall under 230.2(D) or not. Can the code allow this additional utility service 200A 208V/120V three phase or we have to go from 100A switchboard breaker to transformer 480V to 208/120V three phase?
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Not sure if the above would fall under 230.2(D)
It seems from what I read that its feasible, through the cities approval of course that 230.2 (B) 2 , 230.2 (C) (2) , 230.2 (C) (3) 230.2 (D) would constitute the second utility request.
Did you forget about this thread from a few days ago? It addressed the same issue.

It used to be legal to have a separate service for different voltages, did it for a customer about 30 years ago, they needed 120/240 delta for existing equipment, but wanted to have 120/208 wye for the new stuff. Same could have been for a separate 480 volt service. The exception could have been removed since then.
Did you forget about this thread from a few days ago? It addressed the same issue.

Yes it did.

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