Originally posted by apauling:
I can accept that others hold views different than my own, but it is quite apparent that others can not, and must rely on personal attacks and misrepresentations, and group yahoo to support themselves.
Oh, you must mean me. Nowhere in this thread or the last did I personally attack you. I hate to disappoint you, but I don't need anyone's help to support my position. It comes straight out of the NEC.
Sure, we can agree to disagree. If you read the first post I made in this thread, you will see that I agree with the principle of the discussion, based on local laws and codes. The NEC does not address these issues but they are still relevant.
I still maintain that your concept of service and feeder conductors is completely wrong.
gentlemen plans are as follows 4 6 gang meter sockets w/200amp main feeders running to attic to serve 200amp panels w 200a main . 1 house service, amp exit an emergency lgt. fire pump for sprinkler. 24 apt. per bldg.seporated by 2 hour fire walls. maintenance on site full time