230.7 says that you can't install any other conductors in the same raceway or cable as the service conductors. Raceway is the keyword. In the index of the codebook it lists all the raceway types, and a gutter is not one of them. Gutters have there own section and there uses and uses not permitted. In the definitions it defines a raceway and the keyword gutter was not in there. When i bought the 'gutter' it was listed and named a gutter on the box. So if a gutter is not a raceway, then does 230.7 not apply to my service:
400 amp underground meter to left fed down to a gutter (6x6x3'), feeding through the gutter to the two 200 amp main panels mounted above the the sub feeds to sub panels also come into the back of the gutter and feed up into the main panels...fused with non fused?? Look above in the panels, a panel is not a raceway either...but there are unfused with branch circuits just like the gutter below. I sure would like some clarification of terminology, as one inspector passed this same service on the other side of the street, but on this side of the street it was failed because of 230.7...both built the exact same way. I posted my question on for 15 bucks and the electrical contractors couldn't answer it, and the inspector on the site said he would have passed it. I just want to know if it is legal or illegal...not whether or not someone will pass it. I think my inspector may be right for failing it, as common sense tells me it may not be safe, but i didn't write the codebook or it's terminology. Thanks for your help..
400 amp underground meter to left fed down to a gutter (6x6x3'), feeding through the gutter to the two 200 amp main panels mounted above the the sub feeds to sub panels also come into the back of the gutter and feed up into the main panels...fused with non fused?? Look above in the panels, a panel is not a raceway either...but there are unfused with branch circuits just like the gutter below. I sure would like some clarification of terminology, as one inspector passed this same service on the other side of the street, but on this side of the street it was failed because of 230.7...both built the exact same way. I posted my question on for 15 bucks and the electrical contractors couldn't answer it, and the inspector on the site said he would have passed it. I just want to know if it is legal or illegal...not whether or not someone will pass it. I think my inspector may be right for failing it, as common sense tells me it may not be safe, but i didn't write the codebook or it's terminology. Thanks for your help..