But there are a ton of existing meter/main combo service equipment enclosures in my area that are MLO. Just a ton. Hundreds of thousands if not a million in our service area. Like a 3rd of the service panels in suburban areas, I'd say. Especially subdivisions dating from, oh, about 1970 to 2000.
Here's a fairly typical example that we're dealing with presently:
View attachment 22855
View attachment 22856
(Note the part of the label that specifies the six-handle limit.)
So in a couple years this panel will be bafflingly no longer compliant.
The question is, will we still be allowed to do what we're doing on this job, which is to relocate that 40A circuit to a sub we're installing on the opposite side of the wall, into which we're also inserting our solar breaker? Will the AHJ be reasonable and say that the whole MSP is grandfathered? Or will we have to tell the customer that they need to increase the cost of the project by 10-50% to replace this recessed meter/main, and it's for a really stupid reason that wouldn't have existed in any of the decades since their house was built?