I think I have found the solution. Remember, this doesn't have to meet any special code requirements, it is for personal use. 4 double pole, double throw knife switches. 12 leads in and two sets of 12 leads out. Wire after the knife switches to supply 460 to a 25 amp breaker and 240 to a 50 amp breaker. Each breaker is then wired to the appropriate socket. Can anybody see something wrong with this?
Besides Star's comment? A couple of points:
You said this is for feeding a demo unit, maybe 480V, maybe 240V. That does not match up with personal use - you sound like you are selling something. Maybe you have plenty of bystanders around while you are demonstrating
You say there is no space for a transformer, but you have space for 4 each 25A (?) - 50 A(?) three pole, double throw, 480V switches? That doesn't make sense.
Just because it is for personal use doesn't mean it does not have to follow code. And, even if you choose to not follow the laws of man, but it still has to follow the laws of physics. And it would be good if you didn't burn yourself and other bystanders to the ground if you threw a switch wrong. 25KW of 3ph 480 is non-trivial
Be that as it may - Have you already bought the alternator? How much of this are you putting together? In particular, did the generator come with a voltage regulator? Did the VR come with the switches, taps, or jumpers to regulate either at 480 or 240?
Don't forget you need cover the grounding and bonding issues. The receptacles will need to be 4wire. You will definitely need an EGC. Be a real bummer, capable of ruining your day, if the gen is parked next to the demo unit and a fault develops, and now the demo unit frame and gen frame have 480V between them.
I'm generally okay with DIY engineering and DIY fabrication.
(I'm)more of a refrigeration engineer than an electrical guy.
Be a really good idea to enlist someone familiar with the safety aspects of 480V generation.