Anybody check the receptacle(s) where the microwave and anything else on that circuit that has an unstable voltage?
Are those receptacle(s) fed with a multiwire branch circuit (2 phase wires,( black and red) and one neutral, white wire?
The white wire should be spliced and pig-tailed with only one white wire attached to one neutral screw terminal and not on separate terminals.
If the white wire (neutral) is not spliced and you have two white wires and one attached to each terminal it could cause a series circuit when they are separated. Resulting in higher voltages.
If you open the neutral conductor (separate the two white wires) it will cause unbalance voltages and thus be at a higher voltage.
NEC code requires that they be spliced and have one pig tail wire on the neutral receptacle terminal.
See 210.4, 240.15 (B)(1) and 300.13(B) Device Removal
Is there a 2 pole CB feeding those receptacle(s)?
Thanks for reading.
Comments accepted.