240v systems

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If that's on a common core, could you elaborate on what the construction differences are from the type that has a 5% L-N limit?

Cheers, Wayne
I dont know. Maybe a five legged core, maybe only two windings, maybe oversized winding.
Not surprised, the bigger the screw up, the higher you got when they moved you into the office! LOL!
There is a deaerator tank that provides feedwater to 2,000 HP of boilers that upper management thinks can operate without a vent. They keep having somebody shut it off because it is " Wasting Energy".

I've seen temperatures in it as high as 265 F and Pressures over 30 PSI. Normal is like 220ish and 3PSI. Besides those operational problems, where do they think the dissolved gasses it's supposed to remove are going? Not to mention the plant condensate pumps can't overcome that kind of head pressure.

Just for perspective that is about 85,000,000 BTU Hr of gas input total.
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