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What is the theory or intent? Bob (Iwire) explained this a while back.
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What is the theory or intent? Bob (Iwire) explained this a while back.
I don't recall that I did that as I am still not sure of the reasons now.![]()
If I recall, and at my age that is suspect, it has to do with the change in impedance of the un grounded conductor and the available fault currents increasing as a result would exceed the ground conductors abality to help clear the fault.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
You did better than I could remembering the time frame. I just barely remembered the reason.
Charlie I agree with you. The sizing of the egc does not follow a lgical progression. Proportionately getting smaller as the currents get larger makes little sense.
Look at the bright side. You'll soon be able to the same movie more than once and enjoy it like the first time again.Strange I can remember something that far back but for the life of me I cant remember short term.....oh well retirement is only a few years away....Thank Heavens:grin:
Equipment grounding conductors on the load side of the service disconnecting means and overcurrent devices are sized based on the size of the feeder or branch-circuit overcurrent devices ahead of them. Where the ungrounded circuit conductors are increased in size to compensate for voltage drop or for any other reason related to proper circuit operation, the equipment grounding conductors must be increased proportionately.
5- 264 - (250-122): Accept
SUBMITTER: Jamie McNamara, Hastings, MN
RECOMMENDATION: Revise to read as follows:
250-122 (b)
Increased in size
. Where ungrounded conductors are increased
in size equipment grounding conductors,
where installed, shall be
increased in size proportionately
according to circular mil area
of the ungrounded conductors.
SUBSTANTIATION: The current text is limited to voltage drop
only and is subject to abuse and misinterpretation (e.g. it was
done per the plans, not for voltage drop). The manufacturers
directions often call for conductor to be increased in size, with
no explanation for why the ungrounded conductors size is
increased, with no corresponding requirement for the equipment
grounding conductor to be increased.
5- 155 - (250-122(b)): Accept
SUBMITTER: Jamie McNamara, Hastings, MN
RECOMMENDATION: The panel should continue to support this
proposal. It helps to clarify the requirement.
SUBSTANTIATION: In the Report on Proposals the strike
through text showed up as italic text and should have looked like
Increased in size
Adjustment for Voltage Drop.
Where ungrounded conductors are
increased adjusted in size to
compensate for voltage drop, equipment-grounding conductors,
where installed, shall be
increased in size adjusted proportionately
according to circular mil area
of the ungrounded conductors.
I just checked the handbook commentary and although I didn't find anything for Greg, I found the following. I always like to say; "The EGC must be increased in size even if your reason for increasing the size of the ungrounded conductor is thats all you had on the truck."
This is interesting commentary.
Equipment grounding conductors on the load side of the service disconnecting means and overcurrent devices are sized based on the size of the feeder or branch-circuit overcurrent devices ahead of them. Where the ungrounded circuit conductors are increased in size to compensate for voltage drop or for any other reason related to proper circuit operation, the equipment grounding conductors must be increased proportionately.
Wait a minute. Just because that's all you had in your truck doesn't mean it's related to proper circuit operation.
Look at the bright side. You'll soon be able to the same movie more than once and enjoy it like the first time again.
Here is some info ..I think you will recognize the guy who wrote it.
Thanks M.D. and yes I know Ryan. Great article.