3 - 240V Pool Circuits

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I have taken on an older home (1960) that is in need of some TLC. I had to do a road push and upgrade the service drop as the 1/0 that fed the house was "grandfathered" for the old owners, but me being the lucky new owner, had to bring it up to the power companies minimum or they would not hook me up.

I now have a 400A meter base with two disconnects adjacent feeding two service panels inside the garage. I have home run the circuits for the rooms we have currently under renovation and nicely tied in the remaining circuits in junction boxes, all labeled nicely for the state inspector. He only dinged me for not remembering to wrap a white tape around my neutral from my meter base to my disconnects, which I promptly did.

So now I am on to some of the outside. There is an in ground pool that is properly grounded and bonded with it's equipment. The problem is, the equipment is from 1960, runs on 110 and is shot. The new equipment I have purchased all runs on 220. I need to bring 3 - 220v circuits for the pool pump, heat pump and purification system. The pump and purification system use only two hots and a ground (and the pump has an additional outer ground connection for the tie in to the ground grid). The heat pump utilizes two hots, a neutral and ground. The heat pump and pump require 30A breaker pairs and the purification system requires a 20A breaker pair.

From what I can gather from reading the forums here and the NEC, though I admit, it is not that easy to grasp much of it (the NEC not the forums), it seems I will have six (6) current carrying conductors in my run. I know I need a seperate disconnect for the heat pump at the heat pump location, but it seems I can co-locate the disconnects for the pump and purification system.

The run is approximately 40', give or take 5 feet, and it appears THHN #10 would work, but I am unsure as to what size of conduit for the three circuits, or if I need seperate conduits for the heat pump circuit, and the other two circuits.

Everyone here seems very knowledgeable and helpful, so I thought I would ask the experts for a little guidance.

Thank you for any and all replies.


Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
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