The minimum size permitted for FMC is 1/2". It's right there in 348.20(A). If it meets the conditions in 348.20(A)(1) through (A)(5) then 3/8" can be used. One of those limits for 3/8" is no longer than 6'. Show us where in the NEC where field installed 3/8" FMC is permitted in lengths in excess of 6'.
Good day to "us" .
us where in the NEC where field installed 3/8" FMC is permitted in lengths in excess of 6'.
one potential exception could be when used as part of a listed assembly for a specific piece of equipment where the manufacturer has designed it to be installed with longer lengths of 3/8" FMC, as long as it meets the requirements outlined in the listing and installation instructions.
Four electrical experts offer their responses to this question.
According to the National Electrical Code (NEC), Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC) can be used in lengths greater than 6 feet, but only if a separate equipment grounding conductor is installed, as the length limitation of 6 feet primarily applies to using FMC as the sole grounding path; exceeding that length requires a dedicated grounding wire.
When using FMC in lengths over 6 feet, a separate grounding conductor must be run alongside the conductors within the conduit.
The 6-foot restriction mainly applies to situations where the FMC is used as the primary ground return path, like connecting to a lighting fixture.
A. The NEC does restrict the length of flexible metal conduit for lighting fixtures to 6 ft to limit the ground return path. Sec. 430-135(b) restricts the length of the motor leads between the motor and required junction box to a maximum of 6 ft, regardless of what type of conduit they are contained in — this pertains to the motor leads only. The length of flexible metal conduit for other uses isn’t restricted, while a grounding conductor is included with the circuit conductors. In response, the author may run any length of flexible conduit from the disconnect to the motor junction box, provided he also meets the requirements for support of the flexible conduit and location of the disconnecting means.
— E.C.G.
A. The limitation on the length of flexible conduit was removed from the Code several revisions ago. Before that, flex could only be a maximum 6 ft in length — in all cases. There are several references to 6 ft as a limitation on flexible conduit. However, here are the special cases noted.
Section 350-10 (a) states several rules for 3/8 flexible metal conduit only — one being that this flexible conduit isn’t longer than 6 ft in certain instances. Other trade sizes aren’t affected by this rule. The Code rule of 6 ft for lighting tap conductors [Sec. 410-67(c)] still limits all lighting fixture tap conductors to 6 ft. So all flexible conduit used from the last outlet box to a lighting fixture must be 6 ft or less. This applies to all trade sizes used as lighting fixture tap conductors.
You may use flexible metal conduit in any length as long as you follow the Code rules for support (Sec. 350-18) and grounding (Sec. 250-18).
Section 250-18 limits flexible metal conduit to 6 ft only for grounding. In lengths over 6 ft, you must install a separate grounding conductor.
Regarding the motor circuit in question, the equipment grounding conductor (EGC) must be terminated in accordance with Sec. 430-12(a) and Sec. 430-145.
A. The NEC allows a 7-ft extension of flexible metallic conduit (FMC) to a motor subject to the conditions in Art. 350. The primary restriction for lengths of FMC over 6 ft is it can’t be used for the ground fault return path. In general, if the overcurrent protective device is over 20A, you must install an equipment grounding conductor along with the circuit conductors. Flexible metallic conduit used in lengths over 6 ft must be supported within 12 in. of any conduit termination, at intervals not exceeding 4.5 ft.
A. The NEC permits longer runs of flexible metal conduit (FMC) with certain limitations. Per Sec. 250-9(b) (Grounding), a recognized equipment grounding conductor can be FMC where the conduit and fittings are listed for grounding. Both exceptions allowing FMC limit the length to 6 ft. If a grounding conductor is provided in the run, the armor is no longer acting as the grounding path, and the length isn’t limited under this section. For this, UL doesn’t test for the grounding ability of flexible metal conduit in lengths exceeding 6 ft, so there’s a possibility the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) wouldn’t approve an installation not providing a recognized grounding conductor. If the run were in excess of 6 ft, the added cost of a grounding conductor would be an inexpensive way to ensure NEC compliance.
No. 93
April 2006
(Reaffirmed 12/11)
(Rev 2/14)
(Reaffirmed 11/19)
Length Limitations for FMC and LFMC
The purpose of this Bulletin is to clarify the length limitations required by the National Electrical
Code on Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC) and Liquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit (LFMC).
Articles 348 and 350 of The National Electrical Code cover the installation requirements for
FMC and LFMC. There is no length limitation specified for trade size 1/2 through 4 of either
FMC or LFMC. Lengths of both FMC and LFMC trade size 3/8 are limited due to their use in
specific installations specified in Section 348.20(A) and 350.20(A).
Some confusion exists on the permitted installed length of FMC and LFMC due to their use as an
equipment grounding path as covered by NEC Section 250.118. Both FMC and LFMC may be
used for equipment grounding under the specific conditions covered by NEC Section 250.118(5)
for FMC and 250.118(6) for LFMC. One of these conditions requires that the total length of the
ground path does not exceed 6 feet. However, this length limitation applies to the ground path,
not the conduit.
Where the length of the conduit exceeds 6 feet, an equipment grounding
conductor must be used.
In summary, the only length limitation specified by the NEC on the installation of FMC and
LFMC is where trade size 3/8 is used for specific installations specified in NEC Sections
348.20(A) for FMC and 350.20(A) for LFMC. All other trade sizes have no length limitation.
Distribution List:
Standards and Conformity Assessment Policy Committee
Codes and Standards Committee
NEMA Technical Services Department
The standards or guidelines presented in a NEMA standards publication are considered
technically sound at the time they are approved for publication. They are not a substitute for a
product seller’s or user’s own judgment with respect to the particular product referenced in the
standard or guideline, and NEMA does not undertake to guarantee the performance of any
individual manufacturer’s products by virtue of this standard or guide. Thus, NEMA expressly
disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application, or reliance by others
on the information contained in these standards or guidelines.
I had an original question that took these things into account .
Clarification of the 6 foot limits were established before I asked if 4 #12 THHN conductors are allowed in 3/8" FMT with outside fittings .
Are 4 #12 THHN conductors allowed in 3/8" FMT with outside fittings ?
I'd like to know why the "no words" comments made are not showing .