3 ph verses 1 ph disconnects

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On several different jobs in the past I have used a three phase disconnect as a single phase, and have started getting turned down on device not used as intended. And I actually agree. Here is the thing, I am doing a Univerisity and the engineer is using three phase disconnects as a single phase disconnect and swears it is ok. Who is right???
Many of the disconnects I've seen have a diagram inside of the door that depicts single phase connections. Where does is say that a 3 phase disco needs to have a 3 phase supply?
The test requirements for 3-phase switches include 1-phase switching.

Imagine a 3-phase disconnect protected by fuses. If only one fuse blows, the there is no choice but to switch a 1-phase circuit.
Device not used as intended??!!

Device not used as intended??!!

Please send me in the right direction. The engineer of my job says you can use a 3 phase disconnect on a single phase circuit, but the inspector says that I am not using the device as intended. What and where in the NEC does it say I can use a disconnect in this situation??
I have never seen a three phase disconnect that can not be used on single phase.

You best bet is to find the info from the manufacturer of the disconnects that you are using.
Please send me in the right direction. The engineer of my job says you can use a 3 phase disconnect on a single phase circuit, but the inspector says that I am not using the device as intended. What and where in the NEC does it say I can use a disconnect in this situation??

It (the NEC) doesn't.
Sounds like your inspector is grasping at 110.3(B). There is nothing in the NEC that prohibits the use of 2 poles of a 3? disco.

Or what those other guys said.
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