3 phase boost set-up for tanning beds

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Re: 3 phase boost set-up for tanning beds

Hi side to neutral will be 132 volts, line to line will be 228.6 volts

Using 16/32 volt boost transformers will give you 136 volts line to neutral and 236 volts line to line.
Re: 3 phase boost set-up for tanning beds

I should add that the neutral is common to both hi side and low side which leaves only the 12 volt winding in series with the line to neutral which will add the 12 volts to the neutral. But when going from line to line you will have two 12 volt windings in series with source (208) this will give you a 24 volt boost (232) - the 132x1.732 which is why you end up with 228 volts

Either way this is not a very good design to boost a 400 amp panel insteed of loads that cant handle the 208. I would install a 208 to 240 delta SDS off this system to supply 3-phase 240 volt loads and leave the 120/208 to feed just the loads that can use it. Other wise if there are any 120 volt loads that can't handle the 132 volts might cause problems. Some PC systems don't like to be over voltage. Here's a good artical on this subject:
Buck Boost at EC&M
Re: 3 phase boost set-up for tanning beds

Here is some literature from Square D, not exactly what I wanted but close. Go to Page 19 Common misapplications.
Re: 3 phase boost set-up for tanning beds


No, that is not it.

Think of 4 windings on a single core with terminals, E, F, G, H, & K and with the number of turns is indicated by a number and "T".

"E" 11T "F" 104T "G" 104T "H" 11T "K"

Now connect 208V to F & H, then 230V will appear between E & K.

Terminal G is the 1-phase neutral which is 60V away from the 3-phase neutral.
Re: 3 phase boost set-up for tanning beds

Thanks Rattus

I know Rattus I got a copy of it now, but I would rather Jim post it because he can explain it and I can't.You can go to my site and get it the one titled buckboost.doc will open with ms works 2002 or wordpad.The other one is a Jpeg.

Ronald :)

[ July 23, 2005, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]
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