The topic of center-tapped delta systems seems to be discussed on a monthly basis. This may be nothing more than a pet peeve of mine, but most of the discussions appear to have inconsistent methods of describing this system.
The 240/120 3PH 4W delta system produces a nominal 208V to ground/neutral conductor from the high leg. To call it anything else adds confusion and misinformation as well as violates the NEC: 100-I (definitions of Voltage and Voltage, Nominal) and 110.4. Actual measured voltages will always vary based on the normal +/- tolerances of the POCO as well as from voltage drop in the circuit.
In the US we have many voltage systems available to us. Most of them are based on multiples of 120V and many include a 1.732 factor. Because of this it is very easy to mistake one system for another, which is why I try to include (but am not always successful) the number of phases and wires in my descriptions.