3-phase panel used for single phase service

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I guess it depends on the POCO. There are 3 POCO's in the areas I work in and all 3 are the same. High leg on the C phase of the meter (if that is what you were referring to).
ALL power companies have the high leg on C phase at the meter.
the part I was talking about being wrong is in the Mike Holt newsletter, “This is because the demand meter needs 120V and it gets it from the “B” phase.”, that is wrong...
Some meters, such as the kv2c, uses whatever voltage is there, from 120-480, since the meter has a power supply for DC to run the components.

the real reason the meters have to have the high leg on the right, or C phase position, is the way the meter “meters” power. (or used to). It’s all because of the electromechanical meters...
A 15S meter, A&B phase come through one CT in the meter. One phase comes through the polarity side, the other phase comes through the non-polarity side. The C phase is in a CT by itself. (All this is inside the meter).
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