3 phase to single phase ampere calculation

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I believe I calculated the equation according to PEMDAS without writing in all the brackest

what I don’t remember since high school is whether to do multiplication first over deviation if decision is to the left of multiplication. Don’t we work left to right
I believe I calculated the equation according to PEMDAS without writing in all the brackest

what I don’t remember since high school is whether to do multiplication first over deviation if decision is to the left of multiplication. Don’t we work left to right
If not otherwise specified, multiplication and division have equal priority, and are evaluated left-to-right in the order they appear. That is, if they are both indicated explicitly with a symbol.

There are inconsistent standards when multiplication is implied by juxtaposing two terms, as opposed to being indicated with a dedicated symbol. One standard considers this to take priority over division (PEJMDAS or PEIMDAS), and the other standard treats all multiplication and division with the same default priority, regardless of notation (PEMDAS). You'll get different answers depending on who you ask, and depending on what calculator you ask. TI calculators, Google Calculator, and Wolfram Alpha all follow PEMDAS, while Casios follow PEJMDAS. For best results, always clarify such expressions to eliminate these ambiguities.

Usually, unit consistency can imply clarity as to which standard is intended. For instance, given T=PV/nR as a result from the ideal gas law, will only have unit consistency if interpreted with PEJMDAS. It's sloppy notation, and if it's my choice, I'd write it as T=P*V/(n*R).
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