3" pvc expansion fitting

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I am installing a 3" expansion fitting without direction. It slides in and out of itself. So I glue the pvc into the fitting and slide the fitting about half way apart? That to me seems best then it can move both ways? Am I on the right track? Also It is going into bottom of meter can. I was going to put the fitting below the strap? Thanks
without knowing your application, I would say that the ground usually settles under the meter (from the trench) and that pulls on the conduit. So as long as you have the fitting able to expand, your good. I dont know why you would have to worry about in compacting. Put it anywhere between the ground and the T/A

edit: I would put it between the ground and a T/A or CLPG, which ever came first.
I am installing a 3" expansion fitting without direction. It slides in and out of itself. So I glue the pvc into the fitting and slide the fitting about half way apart? That to me seems best then it can move both ways? Am I on the right track? Also It is going into bottom of meter can. I was going to put the fitting below the strap? Thanks
You are on the right track. There should be a mark or a line indicating the halfway point. I'll cheat them in an inch or better depending on the size so I don't see the line. Yes, put the fitting below the strap.
Arlington has a fitting designed to function like the expansion fitting that goes right into the socket.

We used to make x-pan couplings a long time ago very similar to those. They were required but not available and my boss came up with the idea.
If this is for temperature expansion the fitting should be set based on the temperature on the day that it's installed. On the hottest day of the year it should be set almost all the way in. On the coldest day the opposite would apply. For ground settlement I guess that almost all the way in would be best.
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