3-way switching

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480sparky said:
Hack. Trunkslammer. DIY.

HA HA I couldnt believe it....I didnt catch it at first untill I said "wait a minute this house is grounded" wheres the ground.....pretty sneaky

I've heard them called "California 3 ways"

With that 3 way...A local guy can't do it all, so they hired a couple of travellers!

That cow don't take no bull. I'd at least tell him what state your in!
What do you call a 3-way using a pullchain with the pull string running thru eyelets and a string at each end of the stairway?
Since the OP has not been back since 5:03 yesterday, I don't expect to hear back from him in this thread, if he does come back maybe he will start a new thread offering some more info with an answer.

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